Sewer blockages and SSOs cause a direct threat to human health and the environment by causing sanitary sewer water to back up into basements and/or businesses and overflow into the . The definition of "interceptor" is in Section Grease Interceptor Vault (GI) $ 0.00 However, there are broader environmental obligations that do apply to interceptors. However, there are broader environmental obligations that do apply to interceptors. Interceptors. 6. The retention capacity of grease interceptors (in pounds) must be at least twice the numerical value of flowrate through the unit (in gallons per minute). Jensen Precast carries a large line of Grease Interceptors available for commercial applications. A grease trap is a device that can be . An "auto fry" is defined as an enclosed, ventless, self-contained individual-serving deep fryer. Based on reader feedback, it appears this approval step is not required most of the time (53% no to 47% yes). Horizontal wet venting. Vertical wet venting. . Size the grease trap to meet your maximum hourly flow now and into the future. Establishments that are not in compliance with those requirements may be subject to re-inspection fees and/or a fine. Grease Interceptor. 1. 2. 3. . Dishwasher. Most inspectors would say yes because the unit itself is trapped and a trap needs a vent, but if you ask the inspectors in Los Angeles City, they would say no, due to the fact that each fixture upstream of the trap is individually vented. Each fixture discharging to a grease interceptor shall be trapped and vented according to this chapter. The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) routinely sends inspectors to verify that such businesses have appropriate and well-maintained grease interceptor systems. Intercepts and traps grease. 3. The one time I did, it was a big bugger that was on the main leaving a restaurant. (1) Grease interceptor compartments. Grease interceptors, when combined with Best Management Practices (BMPs), will . An undersized grease trap will not treat your trade wastewater. A grease interceptor is not required where only one auto . minimum size for a grease trap is 1,000L and maximum size is 5,000L. Home Changes To Grease Requirements Julius Ballanco, PE. All businesses must prevent pollution. A space is needed at the bottom for sludge accumulation. 4715.0920 trap protection. Grease Interceptor Maintenance Suggestions We suggest that you use a drain maintainer or cleaner like EDM+ Enzymatic Drain Maintainer from Noble Chemical, or Noble Chemical Orange Peel Citrus Solvent Cleaner as part of a regularly scheduled cleaning and maintenance routine for your grease trap. Plans submitted for a food service establishment should include details for the installation and venting of the new interceptor and sampling manhole. Air admittance valves complying with standard ASSE 1049 are now allowed for venting chemical waste systems. 4715.2500 selecting size of vent piping. A grease trap does not act as a "fixture trap". We vented it like an oil interceptor with a vet on each end, 2". Tell-tale floor drains: General. Interceptor is designed for above or below ground installation and includes an adjustable lid . 4715.1110 grease interceptors for commercial buildings 4715.1120 oil and flammable liquids . Grease arrestor installation guidelines. 2. A grease trap should be designed to allow 1 hour Does the interceptor require a vent? The size of the grease trap depends on the anticipated flow rate, water temperature, and grease concentration. On the other hand, if the grease trap is large, i.e., 750 to 1500 gallons, then the estimated cost required for its installation is between $4000 to $8500. Box 2027 Tyler, TX 75710 (903) 882-5511 INTERCEPTOR PERFORMANCE After cleaning, the baffles can be rinsed off in the sink that flows to the trap. All businesses must prevent pollution. Section 890.510 Grease Interceptor Requirements . VENTING Grease interceptors must have a vented waste, sized in accordance with code requirements for venting traps, to retain a water seal and to prevent siphoning. Definitions . The grease trap/grease interceptor shall be constructed with a minimum of two baffles. The vent on the flow control is an air intake. Box 2027 Tyler, TX 75710 (903) 882-5511 INTERCEPTOR PERFORMANCE Do not purchase a grease interceptor without obtaining a building plan approval including an Industrial Waste approval letter specifying the size and design of the interceptor that will be required. 4715.0910 traps described. 1. The Dallas City Code was amended in October 2007 and requires all grease traps and interceptors be pumped out at least every 90 days or when it is 25% full of solids and grease. Total gallon capacity not to exceed 2 times the gpm flow rate of interceptor - 20 gpm interceptor X 2 = 50 gallons maximum discharging into the interceptor 10 SIZING GRAVITY GREASE INTERCEPTORS Gallon capacity (volume) of the interceptor is based on fixture units discharging into the interceptor 2. Indirect waste. . Grease arrestors reduce the amount of greasy waste flowing into the wastewater system, by allowing fats, oil and grease to rise to the top and solids to sink to the bottom. Table The 3,600L size is for trade waste customers, like restaurants, takeaways, and car washes, that use oils and fats in their business. 3. from the outlet. 2. LOCATION AND TRIBUTARY DISCHARGE SOURCES All waste lines . mechanical grease interceptor(s) shall be cleaned, however, all hydro mechanical grease interceptors shall be opened, inspected, cleaned, and maintained at a minimum of once per week. 1003.9 Venting of interceptors and . Over the past few years, all of the model plumbing codes have changed their requirements regarding grease traps and grease interceptors. In general, grease traps range from a minimum capacity of 2.8 m3 to a maximum capacity of 4.7 m3. The interceptor must be cleaned whenever 25 percent of any chamber becomes filled with FOG or solids. A minimum 2500 lb grease capacity unit is required for a space up to 3500 square feet. Similarly, the interceptor vent must be at least 3 inches above the static water level of the tank. A grease interceptor or automatic grease removal device shall be required to receive the drainage from fixtures and equipment with greaseladen waste located in food preparation - areas, such as in restaurants, hotel kitchens, hospitals, school kitchens, bars, factory Ladle off the layer of grease and oil floating on top of the water. Acting as a filtration system, the grease trap captures fats, oils, greases, and starches in wastewater before they enter the sewer system, where they can cause damage and harm. With the exception of one, I haven't done any additional venting for a grease trap, the inlet is the sink, and the outlet line is vented by the trap arm. Prep sink. d) Sizing - The minimum size of grease traps shall be based on the maximum rate of flow of all fixtures discharging into the grease trap multiplied by a retention factor of 1.5 minutes. January 1, 2004. We may ask you to install additional pre-treatment. You also need a grease recovery device that costs $3500 to $6000 estimated. The quality of reclaimed or gray water supplied to trap seal primer valves shall be in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer of the trap seal primer valve. 7. Hydromechanical grease interceptor. Description. Invariably the triple-compartment sink for pot washing is used as the litmus to determine if a grease interceptor is required, and the waste from it is required to be routed through either a local or central grease interceptor. Oldcastle Infrastructure's grease interceptors are manufactured in a variety of standard and custom sizes. Inspect unit for defects and make sure it meets specified requirements. Clean the bypass vent with a flexible probe or wire. Combination waste and vent systems. 1003.9 Venting of interceptors and separators. Grease Interceptors Best Management Practices To Maintain . grease interceptor. Floor drain vents. We vented it like an oil interceptor with a vet on each end, 2". . Do NOT pour any grease into sinks, floor drains or mop sinks. The definition of a grease trap is " a trap in a drain or waste pipe to prevent grease from passing into a sanitary sewer lines and system.". Grease interceptors are large, heavy and contain a wide variety of contaminants. See the City's Grease Intereceptor Installation and Sizing Policy. Remove any baffles and scrape clean. Oils ones are clearly discussed in the Code. Hydro-mechanical and Gravity are the new terms for the two general types of grease interceptors. No single in-line grease trap shall serve more than two separate fixtures. INTERCEPTOR SHALL BE PLACED ON A MINIMUM OF 6" TYPE I BEDDING MATERIAL, COMPACTED TO 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION. VENTING Grease interceptors must have a vented waste, sized in accordance with code requirements for venting traps, to retain a water seal and to prevent siphoning. (see In many situations they are required to trap these fats before they enter the local stormwater system or . Where: Waste Flow Rate With dishwasher - 6-gallon (22.7-L) flow Without dishwasher - 5-gallon (18.9-L) flow Single-service kitchen - 2-gallon (7.6-L) flow Food waste disposer - 1-gallon (3.8-L) flow Retention Time Commercial kitchen waste Dishwasher - 2.5 hours Single-service kitchen The one time I did, it was a big bugger that was on the main leaving a restaurant. A grease trap/grease inceptor is in simple terms a plumbing fixture that contains decomposing food waste, bettering the sewer system. interceptors ( clarifiers) (including grease, oil, sand, solid interceptors, etc.) Refer to Table 1 below for guidance on the appropriate sizing of your grease trap. "recipe" book; instead, it provides "minimum" requirements. Grease arrestors must be installed by licensed plumbers according to our trade waste requirements and the manufacturer's instructions. DO NOT INSTALL INTERCEPTOR BACKWARD. The purpose of the grease interceptor is to reduce Animal and Vegetable Fats, Oils and Greases (AVFOG or FOG) in wastewater to acceptable levels. The flow-control device shall be vented and terminate not less than 6 inches (152 mm) above the flood rim level or be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Definitions Hydromechanical Grease Interceptors (HGIs) can be located inside or outside the facility and are required to have an approved type of vented flow restrictor. When required. Our Products. The outlet tee may extend into the riser for venting . Water temperatures must be less than 120 degrees prior to entering grease trap. Also referred to as grease traps or grease recovery devices, our grease interceptors are designed for storage of greases/oils as well as solids before entering a wastewater disposal system. Grease interceptor tanks must be designed and constructed with a minimum of two compartments. Plumbing systems for institutions or commercial establishments in which grease, fats, culinary oils or similar waste products from kitchens or food processing areas are wasted, or in which grease, fats or culinary oils are wasted in connection with utensil, vat, dish or floor cleaning processes shall include grease interceptors. Tyler Pipe / Wade Division P.O. Grease interceptors shall be equipped with an accessible discharge sampling port with a minimum six inch diameter, which shall extend from the grease interceptor to at least the finished surface grade. 3. (2) Except as provided in Sentence (3), oil interceptors shall be provided as follows: Using a strainer, scrape the bottom of the trap to remove all non-floatable food particles and debris. CONFIGURATION 1. Congratulations on your purchase of the Endura Grease Interceptor. Three-compartment sink. Venting is not required for the sampling manhole or outside interceptor. In order to prevent sewage overflows into the environment, LASAN has developed a comprehensive program to reduce the discharge of FOG to the . Section 890.510 - Grease Interceptor Requirements. Julius Ballanco P.E., CPD. Grease traps/grease interceptors are to be installed at a minimum distance of 10 ft. from sinks and dishwashers to allow for adequate cooling of the wastewater. Kitchen equipment and all waste drains shall be shown on the plan. The interceptor must be cleaned whenever 25 percent of any chamber becomes filled with FOG or solids. Proper installation of a grease interceptor is critical to its efficient operation. Columnists Changes To Grease Requirements Julius Ballanco, PE. Hydromechanical Grease Interceptors (HGIs) can be located inside or outside the facility and are required to have an approved type of vented flow restrictor. grease interceptor. The Endura Grease Interceptor was designed and built to last and comes with a 10-year warranty (valid only when the warranty card is filled out and returned to the manufacturer). Grease Interceptors & Sampling Manhole Standards. Install the grease trap as close to the source (kitchen area) as possible. A single larger unit is required if the estimated grease production exceeds 2500 lbs in 90 days. There are no specified legal requirements that state how you should manage your interceptors. One interceptor to serve multiple fixtures is recommended only where fixtures are located close together. A rectangular interceptor is believed to be the optimum shape. Recycle waste cooking oil, dispose in Grease Recycle Bin or Container. The acceptable level of AVFOG and FOG in wastewater as established by the authority with jurisdiction in your area will determine the size grease interceptor required. Code to have a grease interceptor or trap. Tyler Pipe / Wade Division P.O. GREASE INTERCEPTORS ARE NOT INTENDED FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF DOMESTIC SEWAGE. Where grease interceptors are shared by more than one FSE, the building owner shall be the responsible party for record keeping and . Post "NO GREASE" signs above all kitchen sinks to remind . Water temperatures must be less than 120 degrees prior to entering grease trap. 6. CONFIGURATION There should be clear space above the water level to allow for venting. MIFAB SUPER-750 gravity grease interceptor with 750 U.S. gallons of liquid holding capacity has a limited lifetime warranty and is made in the U.S.A. out of seamless, rotationally molded High Density Polyethylene with 3/8" uniform wall thickness. With the exception of one, I haven't done any additional venting for a grease trap, the inlet is the sink, and the outlet line is vented by the trap arm. Note: The CTC recommends that due to the possibility of the interceptor being siphoned out, fixture vent requirements should apply to the outlet. Hydromechanical grease interceptors shall be provided an approved, readily accessible flow control Gravity grease interceptors shall not be installed in a part of the building where food is handled Each business establishment shall have an interceptor that serves only that establishment unless otherwise approved by the Solidified grease can cause stoppages downstream in piping . The City advises that residents also regularly maintain and clean the interceptor or trap! Likewise, many states (but not all . Grease traps shall be installed and vented in accordance with the IPC. Smoothie rinser. Oils ones are clearly discussed in the Code. The upstream vent must not be placed between the air intake and the grease interceptor. GREASE INTERCEPTOR REQUIREMENTS Lakeway Municipal Utility District Continued, Page 5 of 5 If an interceptor is not cleaned out regularly . Section XIV-1005 - Interceptors and Separators A. Grease interceptors have played an important role in preventing accumulated FOG from damaging the public infrastructure by collecting it at the source. Four-compartment sink. Austin Water's Office of Industrial Waste (IW) modified its grease interceptor policies in April 2021. Grease interceptors must have a vented waste, sized in accordance with code requirements for venting traps, to retain a water seal and to prevent siphoning. The interceptor must be cleaned whenever 25 percent of any chamber becomes filled with FOG or solids. See the City's Grease Intereceptor Installation and Sizing Policy. A kitchen in a B&B with more than nine rooms will need installation of a grease interceptor. Gray water recycling requirements have moved to the body of the code in a new Chapter 13. shall be required by the authority having jurisdiction where they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease, flammable wastes, sand, solids, acid or alkaline substances, or other ingredients harmful to the building drainage system, The acceptable level of AVFOG and FOG in wastewater as established by the authority with jurisdiction in your area will determine the size grease interceptor required. 4715.2520 vent stacks and stack vents. The number and type of fixtures and fittings you have connected to the grease trap will influence the size requirements of your grease trap. Requirements for grease interceptors On October 26, 2012 we implemented a bylaw that establishes new maintenance requirements and limits on the amount of grease and solids that can flow out of grease interceptors and into sewers. Trap installation for three-compartment sinks . 2. Grease Interceptor Liquid Capacity, UPC 2003. Under the Water Resources Act 1991, it is an offence to cause or knowingly permit any poisonous, noxious or polluting matter or . Interceptors or separators shall be provided for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease, oil, flammable waste, sand, solids or other ingredients harmful to the building drainage system, the sewerage system or sewage treatment plant or processes except when, in the opinion of the plumbing official, they are not . Grease interceptors should have all grease removed as frequently as necessary to avoid exceeding the interceptor's rated capacity. 2. There is no reference of the vent being one pipe dia. 1. Bmp to Control FOG Discharges to the Sanitary Sewer . A grease interceptor located outside the building that is a part of an individual sewage disposal system is not subject to the requirements of this chapter. At minimum, use an average of 0.171 meals per square foot per day, a grease production value of 0.0455 lbs per meal and 90-day pump out. 78. PDI G101 mandates the installation of an vented external flow control. Grease traps have been in use since the late 19th century and remain a common choice for establishments with commercial kitchens. (1) Every oil interceptor shall be provided with 2 vent pipe s that, (a) connect to the interceptor at opposite ends, (b) extend independently to open air, (c) terminate not less than 2 000 mm above ground and at elevations differing by at least 300 mm, and (d) do not connect to each other or any other vent pipe.