Words are listed in alphabetical order: Adept Admirable Adventurous Alluring Articulate Assertive Assured Astounding Attractive Aware Beauteous Beautiful Benevolent Bold An individual can create many friends just by showing a smiling face. She has oval face with bright brown eyes and thin lips. . Approx Pages: 1. a sign of maturity that appear at the corners of the eyes. Check it out if you're interested! Physical characteristics are defined in the following way. I saw creative writing at GCSE as more than just a part of the specification, and this allowed me to truly show what I could do at the time. For example, "Her black hair shimmered like a lake in moonlight," instantly conveys the mental image of ripples. A character's appearance can be easily described by analyzing different facts or things in a sample. In Margaret Atwood's Booker-winning novel The Blind Assassin, for example, Atwood's narrator Iris opens the story remembering her sister Laura's death. My grandma has short, curly and dense hair with . 1. Many people . Note that in these examples you don't need the particle or . grimy fingernails. As a rule of thumb, using positive adjectives to describe a person typically steers the conversation in a better direction. The word petite is only used for women, and means that the woman is short AND thin. When you describe how a character looks, think about how appearance illuminates personality. In general, thin, slim, and slender are more positive, whereas skinny is often used as a criticism or negative point. A description of the appearance of a work expressed in generic terms, without reference to the subject depicted. les descriptions physiques. Name: Ray Thorston. beautiful - You have beautiful eyes. Had she smiled, the world would sigh beneath her feet. Either way, when the main character's appearance is important to the story, you must look for opportunities to describe it in a natural, in-context way. It can be helpful to see a completed character sketch when writing your own. My eyes were focused on the Manhattan skyline, a beautifully grotesque thing. Grade Level: High School. . They are summaries. You're a hot mess, girl. This essay has been submitted by a student. These detail a mere smattering of the multitude of ways in which a character can be described. Her hair was a rich shade like blossoming flowers ,It flowed in waves to adorn her glowing, porcelain-like skin. For example, your character may walk with a slouch or may strut with bravado. A good description tells the reader more about your character than how they look. Essay 1: My Best Friend Laura. "Let me just say that once you do, you'll forget all about what's-her-name". Describing Someone's Appearance. Here are some examples: Advertisement Other Types of Descriptive Words The possibilities are almost endless for descriptive words for appearance. But we should say blonde. Appearance is defined as the way someone or something looks. bald - I have a bald head. Firstly, she is a beautiful girl. GCSE writing in English language is a little different from how I normally write, but it wasn't too . In the same way, hooks are good for the player by giving them ties into the game world, a reason to care what happens. Descriptive writing: My beloved grandmother. Physical characteristics are defining traits or features about your body. She is white with a soft skin, her eyes are wide and its color is blue. These are aspects that are visually apparent, knowing nothing else about the person. Here are some good examples: [9] "Thick black roots contrasted with the platinum blond shade of her curls." - This tells the reader that the character dyes her hair but hasn't been able to keep up with the style. List of Appearance Adjectives. The list contains adjectives, synonyms, terminology, and other descriptive words related to a girl. List and explain five (5) ways that show how authentication or identification of physical evidence can be accomplished (also called "laying the foundation"). black - My mom has long black hair. Complexion is the natural appearance and color of the skin, especially of the face. PEOPLE AND PHYSICAL DESCRIPTIONS 1 child-children, 2 baby/infant, 3 toddler, 4 boy, 5 girl 6 teenager, 7 adult, 8 man-men, 9 woman-women 10 senior citizen/elderly person age 11 young, 12 middle-aged, 13 old/elderly height 14 tall, 15 average height, 16 short weight 17 heavy, 18 average weight, 19 thin/slim 20 pregnant, 21 physically challenged, 22 . My friend's hair is soft, long and yellow. Pompadour. 1. tall. Eg. attractive - She is a very attractive woman. At the same time, his height will increase, primarily because his legs and, to some degree, the rest of his body will be growing quickly. An autumn afternoon, a watercolor sunset streaked muted pastel shades across the sky. In creative writing, describing a character's face can uncover information about who they are and how they feel. Make the descriptions match the tone. Physical Evidence. i.e. Everyone and everything has some sort of appearance that can be denoted. To protect the anonymity of contributors, we've removed their names and personal information from the essays. Just what a writer selects to describe depends on the writer's chosen topic and purpose. The way your character moves paints a portrait. Show the character doing clever things, or mysterious things. This page covers hair, eyes, body size, weight and age. Descriptive Essay About A Beautiful Girl. Blonde Hair Students often describe this colour as 'golden'. Later Without any apparent shame, John and Andy leered at Lydia as she stormed off. As an infant, he had a relatively large head and short legs and arms; now his head growth will slow, from 34 inch (2 cm) in his second year alone to 34 to 1 14 inches (2-3 cm) over the next ten years. Descending the stairs one careful, agonising, creaking step at a time, a hunched silhouette shuffled out from the darkness. Discrepancies between inner and outer realities: 1984 versus Death of a Salesman. For example: 'Glancing in her car's vanity mirror, she noticed dark roots showing again beneath the blue dye-job. Pretty. Feel free to use this list to expand your vocabulary and be more descriptive! An important point to take note of is, no matter what physical traits you are describing, the key is to focus on the traits that are related to the topic of the composition. Character sketch example. She has a small body and is quite slim. For example, "Her eyes are almond-shaped and very dark brown." When describing her whole face, you might say something like, "She has a wide, round face with a pointed chin. My friend is a very beautiful girl, she is tall and about 175 cm tall, 60 kg in weight, and therefore she enjoys a slim and harmonious body. She may nibble daintily or tear into food with hedonistic abandon. Go through the example with the class. A great accompanying vocab list to this page is our list of color and body parts words as well as . See more ideas about english vocabulary, english lessons, teaching english. And the summaries lack all of the juicy details that lead people to attribute those qualities. To me, she is the most important person in my life. I've always hated my bushy eyebrows. In a descriptive essay, all expressive devices are fair, so try to make your description as colorful as possible. Hooks are good for the DM by giving inspiration for new adventures and ways to involve the character in the adventure on a personal level. Ask yourself if any details in particular draw your attention and stick in your memory. And if you don't want to miss future writing posts, follow the blog, if you aren't already there . Showing a smiling face make individuals appear . She is tall, she is thin, and she has a pair of light- brown eyes. She had a diva's nose perched atop her blushing, pilgrim-pink lips. This is an example of a character sketch. His expression was emptyjust like his head. In general, thin, slim, and slender are more positive, whereas skinny is often used as a criticism or negative point. 4. Reality. brown . Her eyes, framed by short lashes, were a bright, emerald-green and seemed to brighten the world. tattooed. handsome (He's the most handsome man I've ever met.) Her nose is short and a little turned up at the end." 4 Note her skin tone. Charming face, thin legs, glowing skin, sharp mind, etc. ragged nails. Im a girl and i find myself nodding in agreement while reading this article and i find myself agreeing with many of the things on the list for myself as well, even though im a girl! INT. Amateur character description example #3. Describing someone's Physical Appearance Examples. Appearance. His glasses have a large, circular frame, and the lenses make his eyes look . He would write and read all day long if it wasn't for his job. Using Figurative Language Poetic comparisons enhance descriptions of a beautiful girl. Sorted by: 44 Don't describe the character's body. 11. thin. She seems to have been shielded from the crippling truth that the outside world is . Character Description Examples Our first one comes from The Big Lebowski. bushy eyebrows. Firstly, she is a beautiful girl. Smart, clever, insightful, thoughtful, reserved, and mysterious are all abstract qualities. Shape/Build - here's a great infographic of . Learn how to develop a character through their . Nice. Here are some examples: She had no right to have such a disarming smile. This includes the names of any recognizable patterns, motifs, or textures used in the decoration of the work. Thick eyebrows, wrinkled face, small eyes, rosy cheeks. Sometimes a character may have reason to think about her appearance, for instance if she is self-conscious or vain - or is being made self-conscious by another character. 73% of 8-12-year olds dress like teens and talk like teens. the students write short descriptions of the people in the pictures using the verb to be and adjectives, e.g. The description of my friend. For example, "Mary's soft, creamy complexion radiated health and happiness." Wrinkled: covered with lines or loose folds of skin; often associated with age ; Freckled: sprinkled or covered with light brown spots She didn't even wear any makeup! big - He has a big nose. My Name is Paul. This is very well written. Regular physical activity can help maintain a youthful appearance for longer. Use imaginative ways. Meaning: rough, not smooth or soft. Matt, 25. The words highlight the need for partners to work . Let the action and the other characters do it for you. When meeting new people it's very important to be able to describe yourself. youthful appearance. Judith Ortiz Cofer's Description of a Young Girl's Challenges as Illustrated in Her Book, Volar She has blonde hair. ( Psst! Think about each specific physical feature, such as her eyes, hair or smile. Her confidence is clearly evident without being overly cocky. blue - He has blue eyes. She had a pointy nose and blush-pink lips. In a funny or sardonic piece, for example, your descriptions can be the same: "He was a funny-looking child who became a funny-looking youthtall and weak, and shaped like a bottle of Coca-Cola." - Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut 5.