Raising Discus fry Many breeders chose to move the fry to a separate rearing aquarium before they are really weaned of their parents because the longer you let the fry stay with the parents the high the chance of the fry catching parasites from them. Keep your pH between about 6 and 7. This is the time that you should separate the young ones from the parent fish. If you have a pair of happy and healthy discus fish, they may begin to mate. How long do discus fry feed off parents? Discus are unlikely to breed if they are kept in too small a container. PHN 1: GII B 1 V B 2 - YouTube. Discus are very special when it comes to breeding, having their own mating rituals including the shimmy and bowing to each other. The fry cling to the wall of the tank or a substrate. Any discus tank should be at least 15 inches (38 cm) deep. While most wild discus are a drab brown or green in color, modern strains come in a variety of vibrant shades of blue, green, yellow, red and white. 25-gallon tank. When they have reached this size, they are large enough to be sold to pet . Grow out your Juveniles to Adults. I feed my fry "microworms" and they always eat. Discus fish belong to the family Cichlidae and the genus Symphysodon. You can separate the young discus fry from their parents as soon as they leave the sides of their parents and start feeding on their own. It is vital to keep the parents in the tank at this stage. Btw, with angels artificially incubated/raised, survival rates are likely to be in the 30-60% range, and if cared for by the parents, 60-80% can be expected. Pigeon Blood Discus Fry It should take 2 1/2 months for these fry to reach sellable size. are named for their extended disc-like appearance.These fish range in shape and size and can be circular or triangular. The more space you provide, the better your cichlids will do. This is because there are chances that the young ones will damage the scales of the parent fish. Females usually mate at about 9 months of age, while males usually mate at 13 months. The discus fish, known as the "king of the aquarium" and commonly referred to as a "pompadour fish" by many enthusiasts, is one of the most sought-after fish . Discus starts breeding when they reach 4.5 inch to 5 inch in size, it is difficult for Discus fish to breed when they are very young, but easier for them when they are mature because they most likely will pair off on their own. This excretion is the only food the young fish will eat for next few days. This is the point when I steal the fry or remove the parents. Discus fish breeding complete after around 2 to 3 weeks till the baby fries become independent, first 3 to 4 days, the eggs should hatch, spawn and baby fries come out, within 2 weeks, Discus parents remain with the babies till they become fairly larger and start feeding independently. Without too much accessories, a 25-gallon tank might be able to provide sufficient space for 3 discus to swim around. In so doing the parents seemingly eat the fry but then swim back with the escapee to the brood and spit it back into its school of siblings. You can't be running out of fish, and this is the best way of doing it. This is when you separate them. In addition, they would then have the example of their parents feeding to inspire them. In regards to you planning to get 2 discus in a 29 gallon tank A confirmed breeding pair . If cichlids breed, and discus are no exception, their aggression increases. You might be interested: Question: How To . The newly hatched fry will be moved around for several days. The Discus has been referred to as "The King of the Aquarium", and though keeping and breeding them is certainly still a challenge for the inexperienced, the later can be very rewarding indeed. When the fry is between 1 month to 1.5 month, feed with artemia (4 times per day) and you can make your own discus burger. The fry will consume their parents' "discus milk" for 7 days before they can be fed normal . Separate the parents Free swimming discus fish fries. As the fry get larger start feeding them premium discus flakes as well as beef heart flakes and start introducing them to frozen blood worms once they reach one inch in size. For more information Visit ==> Keeping Discus Fish If you elect to keep a pair (for a breeding situation), you need to increase to 100 gallons (379 l). #3. actually the Discus fry are ingesting the entire epidermis of the parent . GII 18 B B2 L THUYT 600 CU CC D. Discus fish are one of the hardest species of freshwater aquarium fish to keep. Also, did u guys feed the brine-shrimp / repashy green powder with the parents still in the tank along with the fry?- is the parents eating food intended for the fry a problem . Don't separate the Discus from the eggs, Discus are good parents and will keep an eye on the eggs. Keeping this warmer temperature will reduce the chance of illness and deaths, it can be maintained using a good quality heater. Adult Discus fish can harbor parasites without falling ill, but those same parasites can prove . Let Discus breeding pairs form naturally. German Blue Rams, like Discus, can be extremely profitable, but you will need a certain level of skill and access to high-quality breeding stock. The breeding season typically occurs twice a year. Egg hatching rate: 60-90%. Discus prefer warm, soft, acidic water. Adding Methylene Blue to the water will mostly solve this. After three or six weeks at the maximum, keeping discus fish together with their fry is not at all recommended. Using either a totally different tank, or a tank divider, you can separate the pair from each other, ensuring no contact is made between the two fish. Once the two days are up, there will be too many detachments for the parents to keep up with, and the fry will become free-swimming. Feed the Discus fish with food that the fry can also feed on. Other tips: Keep Discus with Discus. 1 of 2 Go to page. PHN 1: GII B 1 V B 2. In three months you will have Discus fry the body size of a dime. I'll take the 70. Coralbandit, this morning before coffeeeeee, I looked at the pictures of what I thought was your community tank, and definately saw an oscar firsh.after returning home from out of town shopping I not only cannot see any oscars in your tank (by the way a great looking tank), and the tank I saw was like a basket weave housing with viewing ports.and now that picture is no where to be found . try to feed newly hatched brine shrimp and other . Watch later. After 48 - 60 hours, the first young will already swim free. Feed your fry newly hatched brine shrimp and supplement with microworms once in a while to make the diet more varied. 3. Being closely related to the freshwater Amazonian Angelfish, it was assumed that Discus breeding requirements would be the same. As a result, the fry can begin to strip away the slime coat faster than the parents can produce it, leading to fin and scale damage seriously high stress levels. The discus breeding pair might move them from their original hanging spot to a more secure, private location in the aquarium. Occasionally a fry or two will fall from the cone and the male of female will retrieve the fry and "spit" them back on to the cone. Then shift your hand slightly so there is a small space for the parent to get out. Discus (Symphysodon spp.) Within a week of separation from the first school of babies, the breeding pair will spawn again. If everyone knew how to breed discus . The discus fry, in the photo above, are easily large enough to be removed from their parents. Gradually they become less and less dependent upon the parents until finally, they are completely on their own. 3 yr. ago Just watched that last night! If you are going to artificially raise them, and have taken the parents out of the tank, you should add aeration about one inch from the fry to keep the water moving around them. Once your African Cichlids have spawned, the first step to take is to separate the parent fish from their fry. Amazonian water is soft and slightly acidic, with a pH between 6 and 7. Thread starter Cameronb_01; Start date Mar 3, 2018; . Joined Mar 9, 2007 Messages 518 Reaction score 13 Location london . 2 Keep your discus fish in a spacious aquarium. Worst case scenario the parents eat the fry- so I start again and follow the orthodox method of removing the parents then feeding live brine-shrimp. You may have to separate earlier if you start to see small cuts on the parents or if they look sick or uncomfortable. now that the parents are out, we will have a much easier time netting the school. The fry will soon become free swimming and eat the mucus coat off of the parents skin. Equip your grow-out tank with adequate heating, lighting and filtration to ensure water circulation and a stable water temperature around 78 F. It is also a good idea to frequently check the pH level and to maintain it between 7.5 and 8.5, depending on the breed of cichlid you are raising. For one severum, you'll need at least 45 gallons (170 l). The female reaches maturity at 12 months, while the male takes up to 14 months to reach full maturity. Move both your hands slowly over the entrance of the box. Keep a pair of discus in a tank that can hold at least 50 gallons (191 liters). Discus fish may lay eggs every week for up to 15 weeks during the breeding season. The discus fry, in the photo above, are easily large enough to be removed from their parents. For example, newly spawned angelfish fry must be kept separate from their parents, however newly spawned discus fish rely heavily on their parents for a food supply in early . Introduce baby brine shrimp around 4 times a day. After about 60 hours (dependent on water temperature), the eggs hatch. If your pH is over 7 or below 6 it may begin to cause discus stress. Raising the Fry in a Nursery Tank. DISCUS FISH FRY GROW OUT TANK SETUP || FISH BABIES TANK. Tank bred Discus species have been known to thrive in pH as high as 7.8 as long as there is little/no fluctuation. Sexing Discus Fish can be difficult so start with a number of potential parents but bear in mind that Discus Fish tend to become a bit territorial . 1; 2; Next. This can be a problem for any tank mates, not just betta fish. Once the fry are weaned off the parents, they can be moved to a separate 10 gallon tank. The temperature of the water is the most important factor in breeding German Blue Rams. Conclusion Transferring the parents was difficult. The tank mates might be aggressive, or the fish could be under some stress due to any disease. If the parents start bickering for any reason, separate them with a piece of glass. Put the eggs, and what they were laid on, in the jar (quickly and calmly). When one parent grows weary of the babies, it shakes itself, and all the babies are transferred to the side of the other parent. The aquarium temperature for rams should be between 84F and 86F. For healthy growth of discus fry, get the tank water cleaned regularly or install a high-quality filter. MOD_Dawn, Sep 19, 2010. After 48 - 60 hours, the first young will already swim free. The young will be placed, by the parents, on a different place of the breeding medium, until they can swim on their own. I will give you my recommendation, but ultimately the decision is yours. The three natural species of discus fish go by the scientific names Symphysodon discus . So you need to either separate the parents once they've laid their eggs or place a wire tube to secure the eggs. It is currently believed that there are 3-5 different species within the Symphysodon genus. How long do I have to wait before I can turn on the outside filter? At first, when eggs are laid, the aggression is focused around the eggs. Feeding Fry at day 7 (14-15 days after 1st egg is laid) up to 1 month of age, feed them with artemia or brineshrimp (8 times per day). The ideal pH for discus is around 6.5. Perhaps the discus fish has decided that the aquarium is not fit for the young fish. In any of these situations, the discus fish will eat their eggs in stress. Put the parents and cone in another aquarium. In order to avoid this, it is often necessary to separate the parents and the fry after 2-3 weeks. Do not separate the fry from the parents until you know for sure that they are no longer feeding from the scales. This will take around 12-16 weeks, which means putting in LOTS of work and effort to reach that point. For several weeks the fry continues receiving nourishment from the parents. You should separate the fry and leave the exhausted parents recover. Somewhere around 52-56 hours after the spawn the eggs will begin to hatch. The wigglers are now about 55 hours old. While this approach may not yield the highest number of offspring, it is certainly easier in terms of time, cost, and space. The water conditions might not be optimal. If you can't do another tank, make a divider. Next Last. It further explored compatible tankmates, breeding habits, and recommendations when to separate the fry from their parents. Typically, the fry will hatch from the eggs after three days. If you are keeping four to six discus, use a tank that can hold at least 67 gallons (255 liters). . Opt for food that will sink to the bottom of the tank. Your discus fish fry should be kept in the tank with their parents for between 10 and 14 days after hatching before being separated and raised to maturity. Keeping in mind the presence of aquarium plants, you are suggested not to add excessive items for decoration. The fry will look like tiny little tadpoles and will still be stuck to the breeding surface at the head. After separating the fry from their parents, raise the fry on a diet of newly hatched brine shrimp until they become large enough to accept micro worms or chopped bloodworms. Feed the Discus fish with food that the fry can also feed on. Once the fry become free swimming, they will 'attach' to the parents. You can separate the young discus fry from their parents as soon as they leave the sides of their parents and start feeding on their own. We now know this is not possible with Discus because fry consume the mucus excreted from the sides of the parents. After a few weeks, Discus fish fry begins to cause damage to their parents, therefore transferring them into a separate tank is the best alternative for you. The risk of parasites being transferred from the parents increases the longer you leave them together. Step 1: Using a 1 gallon glass jar, fill it with the tank water the parents (& eggs) are in. Raising Discus Without Parents I do let female fan the eggs until they hatch and become wigglers. Discus (Fish) Tank Conditions. Remember, if you do this professionally you need the numbers if you want them to reproduce. Discus. Early hobbyists removed the eggs, attempted to hatch them in a separate tank and grow the fry on. In addition to artemia, try offering fine grade flake foods as well. German Blue Rams. Angelfish fry are VERY picky eaters until a few weeks old. Solid omnivores, severum cichlids are still messy fish. Provide clear vertical surfaces. Apart from that, warm water is necessary and the temperatures should range from 80 degrees to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Relative water hardness should be 1dH - 8dH. Juveniles cannot swim yet and live off of reserves in the yolk sac below the abdomen. Step 2: Place the jar in a small 5 gallon tank filled with water at 84f (50w heater is required). Obviously, this is the only way of protecting their eggs or fry until they become mature enough to be on their own. If I raise just 20 fish with the parents in the tank as compared to say 70 without the parents. . Right now I am using a sponge and a box filter.vThanks for any . Now my large cichlids that give me 200 plus fry in a batch, I leave with parents. Somewhere around 52-56 hours after the spawn the eggs will begin to hatch. At this moment, a large deposit of skin excretion is formed on the parents. Color. Discus fish do well in a tank water environment that is slightly acidic and soft. Once fry is up to 6 weeks old, you can begin to feed them with a variety of foods such as animal protein and vitamin-rich vegetables. 6.91K subscribers. Dy Li Xe T - Mr V. Do not place a light on the top of the tank. Quickly after the first strokes, the young fish will swim in the direction of the parents, to eat the skin excretion. Hopefully, they will feed on frozen bbs. discusfreak2005 said: dont remove the rest of the discus from the tank, take the pair and move them to a 20 or similar sized tank by themselves if possible, barebottom and with a spongefilter. If other fish are around, they may eat the small discus when they hatch, or the parents may eat them to protect them from predators. This is because there are chances that the young ones will damage the scales of the parent fish. The acidity of water should have a pH ranging between 6.0 and 6.5. Once the babies reach roughly 2 weeks old, it is advisable to separate them from the parents. Stop feeding the parents around 24 hours before expecting hatching to reduce the bioload of the breeding tank. There could be several reasons for this. The discus fish is native to the Amazon River basin in tropical South America. I have kept discus in the past (10 plus years ago) and this book served as a refresher for maintaining discus including water quality and heating requirements. The fry will nibble away at the parent's mucus layer, which quickly regenerates. This is because as the fry grow bigger they will slowly start to damage the parents by constantly trying to feed off of them. Maintenance and care. Discus fry produce TONS of waste, and they're even MORE sensitive than the parents. The fry will continue to feed off the parents as well as the shrimp for about 2 - 3 weeks, if allowed. And to be honest at around the 7-10 day mark you want to get the parents out of the tank, too much feeding from the fry can stress the parents out, and larger fry can actually damage the parents scales. They will start to become free swimming about 2 to 3 days after hatching. The discus pair might even move the wrigglers several times before the fry go free swimming. Pigeon Blood Discus Fry It should take 2 1/2 months for these fry to reach sellable size. after the babies hatch, theyll be able to survive for at least 4 or 5 days off the parenst slime coat. . Dec 3, 2009 #1 . Best case scenario: new super cheap and super low-maintenance method for breeding discus! Discus Fry Feeding. Before breeding discus fish, you should either put the mating pair in a separate tank or move other fish out of their tank. Once the fry are completely eating on their own and are no longer attached to the parents you must separate the fry from the parents. A 25-gallon tank can accommodate 2-3 discus fish easily. Another way to initiate breeding in your discus fish is to separate the male and female pair. Any discus tank should be at least 15 inches (38 cm) deep. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . For the first few weeks, you may leave the fry in the same tank as the parents, but ultimately you will need to separate them to prevent overpopulation. This is the time that you should separate the young ones from the parent fish. Discus are unlikely to breed if they are kept in too small a container. While many Cichlids will eat fry, the opposite happens with Discus. After 3 days or so, the eggs will hatch. Go. The discus wrigglers will hang on the PVC pipe for around 3 days before they start free swimming. For the first 5 days the fry will attach to the sides of the parents and will eat the white mucus that forms on the parents body. Opt for food that will sink to the bottom of the tank. Move your fingers inside until one of the parents are next to your hand. The fry will look like tiny little tadpoles and will still be stuck to the breeding surface at the head. . pH should be between 6.0 and 7.0, with hardness between 1 and 4 dKH (18 to 70 ppm). When the fry see the parents eating they will also begin to eat. Use a special tank for the fry only and feed them at least three times a day to support the accelerated growth rate. discusfreak2005 said: dont remove the rest of the discus from the tank, take the pair and move them to a 20 or similar sized tank by themselves if possible, barebottom and with a spongefilter. Roughly 7-10 days after becoming free swimming, Discus fry are normally developed enough to survive without their parents in a separate fry rearing tank. Then, you can transfer the parents into another tank for a rest or another set-up breeding tank. ifixoldhouses. after the babies hatch, theyll be able to survive for at least 4 or 5 days off the parenst slime coat. [2] Keep a pair of discus in a tank that can hold at least 50 gallons (191 liters). If you provide your Discus fry with ideal conditions and suitable food, they will grow very rapidly and be around 2 inches in diameter at an age of 12 weeks. Keep in mind that while many species of fish are . These fish require higher temperatures than most fish 82-88F. Discus fish fry feed on the mucous excreted by the parent fish, so to separate the fry from the parents is to cut off the food supply of the developing fry. You can encourage it with your fingers. Keep water clean and acidic. Discus Fish Interesting Facts. It's best to avoid water changes during this period if you can. You can do so by removing it from the breeding tank and transferring it to a . It worsens once the fry hatch and the parents move around the tank with the fry displaying aggression towards other fish. The first is the separate tank installation where each tank is treated as a separate unit each with its own equipment. It's time to remove the parents and begin to feed . And you can run the math from there. Also put a hydrosponge in the 5 gallon tank and turn it on. Temperature should be kept between 82 and 86 F, although wild Heckel discus prefer water near 90 F. Use an Aqueon Aquarium Heater to maintain proper water temperature. Put the breeding pair in a separate tank, or odds are that the other discus will eat the fry. The discus fry, in the photo above, are easily large enough to be removed from their parents. How many discus are in a 29 gallon? Well the male is fending off all who come near, even the mother, most of the time. Separate the parents Free swimming discus fish fries. Should give the fish to spawn in a quiet place (cage, cover the fish tank). Provide Lots of Cover. Discus Fry video. For people who do not have the room for an extra grow-out aquarium, you can try colony breeding instead, in which the parents and young are raised in the same fish tank. If you've done your job, you can consider selling your baby discus when they reach 2 inches (5 cm) in length. But as soon as they grow large, you would have to upgrade the tank size or shift one fish to a separate tank. I have some discus fry that I will separate from the parents in 3 or 4 days. After about four weeks of feeding off the parents and receiving supplemental food, the discus fry should be about the size of a dime and can be moved to a separate tank. Feed protein rich food. You can separate the young discus fry from their parents as soon as they leave the sides of their parents and start feeding on their own. The blue discus (Symphysodon aequifasciatus) and red discus (Symphysodon discus) are the most popular within the aquarium hobby. I think it is in the first 5 min or so: https://youtu.be/irkZ6X0447E Keep a close eye on this because as the days go on they can start biting the skin of the parents which will cause skin infections. At this moment, a large deposit of skin excretion is formed on the parents. GII 18 B B2 L THUYT 600 CU CC D. While they are never actually attached to the parent, it appears they are due to how close they stay. However, at about 7 to 10 days after free-swimming it is best to separate the babies from the parents. A 25-gallon storage tank Name. . Micro worms are almost a necessity for angels/discus fry. Occasionally a fry or two will fall from the cone and the male of female will retrieve the fry and "spit" them back on to the cone. fozziebear Fishaholic. It should take 2 1/2 months for these fry to reach sellable size. You can enquire about the recipe for 'discus burger' containing the ingredients mentioned above from discus breeders and find ones that fry can eat. Dec 1, 2010. Breeding fry: After the eggs hatch into fry, the parents take the fry to another location. try to feed newly hatched brine shrimp and other .