Beneatha thinks he looks good, has a beautiful car, and takes her to nice places.) A Raisin in the Sun Reading Questions. How does she feel about the move? (Remember George is the other fellow Beneatha allows to court her. Walter's sister - intellectual - wants to become a doctor - struggles with being a well-educated black lady A Raisin in the Sun. This play is done over the time span of a couple of days. to move with him to nigeria and not give up hope. How can blacks live in America yet retain some of . Act III - second half (Choose 4 out of 5) 1. The play was written at a time when many African nations were just achieving freedom from European . Asagai's main function as a character seems to be to inject the play with symbolism. 3. Why's Beneatha worried about Mama meeting Asagai? I always thought it was the one concrete thing in the world that a human being could do. In the beginning of Act Two, Scene One, Beneatha dresses up as a Nigerian women and dances around. . Asagai asks Beneatha to marry him and to move to Africa with him. Beneatha explains that Walter Lee lost her money for medical school. However, Walter's family offers . Beneatha's faith has been taken from her. Beneatha's boyfriend, shallow guy with lots of money. 6. What solution does Walter have? At the end of Act I, Scene 1, Ruth is overwhelmed with fatigue, compounded by an unplanned pregnancy. His presence in the play forces the audience (and Beneatha) to ask what it truly means to be an African American. Later, Walter comes in and begins searching frantically for Lindner's telephone number while ignoring Beneatha's insults. Joseph Asagai is a Nigerian who is to marry Beneatha and take her back with him to Africa. Asagai's character gives Beneatha political focus and nourishes her idealism. She never yields to Walter and, in some cases, even goads him into a confrontation. What is the mood at the beginning of this act? How does Mama react to this choice? 5. However, great financial power is put in the hands of Walter, to the detriment of everyone else. His sister, Beneatha, dreams of paying for and finishing medical school. A Raisin in the Sun What is the central conflict of the play? (see the answer keys) This section contains 396 words (approx. Lena possesses the "noble bearing" of a woman of "Southwest . Beneatha feels as if true progress is unattainable, and that her fate is not within her own control. She tells Ruth that she has always . To take her to Nigeria What advice does Asagai give to Beneatha? When and How to Pair: Introduce this text after finishing the play. October 3, 1951. Hansberry explores this in Walter's attempt to be masculine by achieving materialistic wealth and Beneatha's resistance to conform to gender roles and societal norms. Practice all cards. Why does Walter call Mr. Linder, and how does his decision change? 2. That Walter is getting a raise. clouded by passion, ambition, and desperation. 3. Unlike her other love interest, George Murchison, he showers her with gifts and shows affection. Dear Asagai, I would like to let you know what's been going on these last couple of days. He calls Mr. Linder to sell the house to the neighborhood. One of the most notable symbols in Lorraine Hansberry 's A Raisin in the Sun is Mama's plant. The plant symbolizes Mama's dreams of owning her own house. Walter changes his mind in regard to Mr. Lindner's offer because the $6,500 his mother gave him ($3,500 for Walter's intended liquor business and $3,000 for Benethea's education . It is very clear that his main goal is to be in Beneatha's favor as the first time he appears in the story, he brings her records and an African robe. Nowhere in the play does Mama indicate that she would not give Walter the money for some other business idea; it's just that she resists the idea . Act I, Scene I. Beneatha also fails to listens to some of Mama's advice. He criticizes her straightened hair, which resembles Caucasian hair, and persuades her to cut it and keep a more natural, more African look. Throughout the play, Beneatha never seems to value George very highly. 4. Though this act begins in despair, the Youngers regain hope and motivation to pursue their dreams as it continues. to move with him to nigeria and not give up hope. What does Beneatha see in Joseph Asagai that she does not see in George Murchison? That Walter must come in earlier. The plant represents Mama's dream of owning a house with a garden. He represents one extreme of the American debate on assimilation. Beneatha Younger is a character in the play "A Raisin in the Sun". Walter Lee feels he is enti-tled to the money as the head of the family.Ruth and Beneatha disagree and feel that the money belongs to . * 1 point Beneatha is deciding if she should continue on with college or move to Africa. The significance of the song lies in its words: I don't feel no . At first, Beneatha mistakenly believes that Asagai is merely asking her to come to his apartment and, exasperated, she dismisses his ill-timed suggestion. They end up breaking up. More summaries and resources for teaching or studying A Raisin in the Sun. When Act II, Scene 3 opens, Ruth is singing this song without waiting for someone to ask her. It is Beneatha and not Asagai who is constantly singing the praises of Africa. Walter Lee turns down Lindner's money. Ask students to compare the experience of the Younger family women to the women in the Civil Rights Movement. Beneatha is depressed and cynical. 3. Despite his flirtations and gifts, Beneatha is not a serious about Asagai as he is about her. answer. Then, she recounts a childhood memory about a neighbor boy who injured himself severely. She didn't see her life how it actually was according to the people around her. (Please check the following): Mama is willing to give up her dream for the good of the family. Lena Younger (Mama) The matriarch of the Younger family, Lena, commonly referred to as "Mama," is Walter Lee and Beneatha's mother and Travis' grandmother. A.R.I.T.S. A Raisin in the Sun By Lorraine Hansberry Reading Packet and Study One, George, is the son of one of the richest men in town, and the family would like to see her keep dating him and potentially marry him. Tensions and sibling rivalry within the family build as each member contemplates how to use the money to further their own dreams. Though Asagai criticizes Beneatha a few times in the play, he seems to do so out of a desire to help her. Beneatha has a feminist and political core that allows her to question life and society. Never be afraid to sit awhile and think What is Walter Lee looking for when he searches the apartment? During the first half of the year, students enter conversations with authors like Colson Whitehead and F. Scott Fitzgerald through their analytical writing. 5 of 25. 2 pages at 300 words per page) View a FREE sample. At the play's end, Asagai asks Beneatha to marry him and "come home" to Africa. What are the physical traits of Lena, Walter, Beneatha, Ruth, George, and Joseph in A Raisin in the Sun byLorraine Hansberry? How does Asagai respond to Beneatha when she is giving up on her dream? she has totally given up. These facts give the lie to the title of the song and end the act with dark irony. Q. question. eddibear3a and 4 more users found this answer helpful. Yes, all the scenes of the play are done in the small apartment. Walter's wife, Ruth, is described as a pretty . She aspires to become a doctor. What advice does Asagai give to Beneatha about losing the money? Asagai represents a Black identity based on independence won through struggle. Expert Answers. What does Asagai ask Beneatha to do? Walter's losing the money has rattled her and made her dream seem harder to achieve. In raisin in the Sun the Youngers talk a lot about sunlight? What "lesson" does Walter feel Willy Harris taught him? Perhaps , Asagai help Beneatha was ; he volunteers to assist in the move to Clybourne Park and offers much-needed consolation and good advice to Beneatha when she is at her lowest. The line that stood out the most from Asagi was in Act 3(page 134). How does Mama react to this choice? Even though she is intellectually superior to her family - and she makes a point of showing it -, this particular excerpt focuses on her self-confidence. When a country ratifies a treaty, it makes the terms of the treaty legally binding, once the treaty's requirements for entry into force are met. Asagai makes a sharp observation: There must be something wrong in your world if your dreams "depend on the death of a man." Asagai wants Beneatha to stop relying on her father's insurance money to make her dreams come true. In our English III: American Voices class, we frame writing as a way to enter the public conversation, a conversation that began centuries ago: about race, class, gender, the environment, education, poverty, etc. He calls Mr. Linder to sell the house to the neighborhood. A twenty-year-old college student with dreams of becoming a doctor, Beneatha is "as slim and intense as her brother," with an "intellectual face.". What advice does Asagai give to Beneatha? Fix up the sick, you know - and make them whole again. Beneatha's defiance toward Walter is symbolic of her defiance toward all barriers of stereotype. What prompts Beneatha to say, "That is not a man. Joseph Asagai contrasts Beneatha's problems with those of his country. Directions:Please use evidence from the play to answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1. What advice does Asagai give to Beneatha about losing the money? 3. That evening, Ruth is ironing and listening to the radio when Beneatha enters "grandly" from her bedroom, wearing the robes and headdress that Asagai gave her that morning. Asagai tells Beneatha that he will be her African Prince and romanticizes what life will be like. What details of the setting show that the apartment is crowded?. Why does Mama become unhappy and withdrawn when the check for ten thousand dollars arrives? Asagai, as he is often called, is very proud of his African heritage, and Beneatha hopes to learn about her African heritage from him. What does Asagai say to Beneatha about the loss of the money? How does he relate it to his own experiences? What fault does Mama find in herself? Beneatha's Afrocentric spirit is nurtured by her relationship with the African, Asagai. Beneatha also carries an "ornate oriental fan," which is "mistakenly . That Walter cannot have the vacation they discussed. She has taught her daughter all of her Christian values and still Beneatha dares to use the Lord's name in vain and question God's existence. That Walter has not been to work in three days. Walter's wife and Travis's mother, naive to the problems of the black community and progress. including his pregnant wife, Ruth, and young son, Travis. What does Walter decide to do about Mr. Lindner's offer? Beneatha is Mama's youngest child. Walter Lee decides to bargain with Karl Lindner. Although Walter Lee does eventually rise to the occasion, his negative qualities prove to be the biggest challenge he has to overcome throughout the story. Mr. Corbo A Raisin in the SunAct III Directions: Please use evidence from the play to answer the following questions in complete sentences. During this conversation Beneatha was upset over Walter losing the money and was beginning to lose her passion, until Asagai in a philosophical manner gives her advice. A Raisin in the Sun Characters RUTH YOUNGER GEORGE MURCHISON TRAVIS YOUNGER MRS. JOHNSON WALTER LEE YOUNGER (BROTHER) KARL LINDNER BENEATHA YOUNGER BOBO LENA YOUNGER (MAMA) MOVIN ME G N JOSEPH ASAGAI The action of the play is set in Chicago's South side, sometime between World War II and the present. View all Lesson Plans available from BookRags. Give Reflections on Watching A Raisin in the Sun. The dealings of Asagai with Beneatha are more as compared to Murchison. Mama is trying to determine if she should continue working. Beneatha, meanwhile, has been going out with different men. Describe Mama's mood. 4 of 25. What does Walter decide to do about Mr. Lindner's offer? Answers 1 Add Yours Answered by Aslan 6 years ago 5/25/2016 8:45 PM He brings her some Nigerian clothing, a robe, and music records as gifts. BENEATHA: That was what one person could do for another, fix him up - sew up the problem, make him all right again. Mama tries to instill the value of family importance to her children as she struggles to keep them together and functioning (Kohorn). Mama and Beneatha react with horror to Walter Lee's decision. They end up breaking up. Nicknamed "Bennie," Beneatha is Mama's daughter and Walter Lee's younger sister. For example, the U.S. has signed the Kyoto Protocol, but not ratified it. Asagai's main motivation for bringing gifts is his love for Beneatha. Being a true African, Asagai is grounded in his "Africaness" while Beneatha is trying, almost too hard, to connect with an African past that she knows so little of. 11. He talks about how he still has hope for his people in Africa, no matter how many setbacks they may encounter. Question: Questiones are based of the book of "A Raisin in the Sun" 1. A country may become a party to a treaty through more than one path. Call the moving company to cancel their service. View all Lesson Plans available from BookRags. she says there is no cure to a man's misery/stupidity . what is asagai's advice to beneatha. sit back and think. How does he relate it to his own experiences? "Rather quietly," Asagai suggests that Beneatha "come home" with him. In the personal letter from the play A Raisin In the Sun we played the part of Beneatha Younger writing a letter to Asagai. When Walter decides to move the family to the new house by turning down Lindner's offer, and when Beneatha explains to Asagai that the apartment doesn't always look so messy, these are examples of which theme?