"exec / onlyif" and "exec / unless" are kind of measures-of-last-resort in the Puppet. @echo off. Is there a way to do this with a simple if statement? See the replace module if you want to change multiple, similar lines or check blockinfile if you want to insert/update/remove a block of lines in a file. Both settings remove outdated node information from PuppetDB and free disk space. File /usr/lib/libl.a belongs to the package you're considering installing. does june get pregnant by commander lawrence. WebLogic DPK Role. extract: whether to extract the files (true/false). In can be considered similar to env variable of Bash or Linux. Download. Now that we've created the user's account, we now need to provide a secure way for a user to log in. -w: Return true value if file exists and is writable. @googlegroups.com You're trying something that's essentially timing based in puppet, which is more state based. . Checking whether a file exists or not, is one of the most basic file-related tasks which you will do most of the time, and thankfully Ruby's File class provides two methods called File.file?(),File.exist? How to sort an array of hashes by the value of a specific key of the hash? EQU 0 (echo exists) else (echo not exists) Place commands inside the parens to execute code on the condition. It is not what was posted as an example. A function that forces a file to download. Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool: puppet module install puppetlabs-stdlib --version 8.1.0. manifest_file (string) - The name of the manifest file that will serve as the entrypoint for the Puppet run. File /usr/lib/libl.a belongs to the package you're considering installing. pier4r started Apr 23, 2021 in General. Show activity on this post. cleanup: remove archive file after file extraction (true/false). Specifies whether to add a line break at the end of each fragment that doesn't already end in one. If a 'bin' exists in the user home, then add that to the PATH. Explanation. Adding the replace property with the value of 'no' (or the uglier 'false') to a file will stop puppet managing its content if the file already exists. Stop postfix, remove pid and lock file, kill the process accessing master.lock, restart postfix: Starting postfix: [ OK ] master (pid 18179) is running. Batch file contains a series of DOS (Disk Operating System) instructions. You can also try decreasing the amount of memory allocated to the server - see https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-server/blob/master/documentation/install_from_packages.markdown#memory-allocation. So if you deleted these resources from the manifest, Puppet will not delete the files it created. When you're finished, the motd file will look something like this: The <DATA TYPE> is a Puppet data type value, like String or Optional [Array [String]]. Now you are all set. It's a very simple profile with literally 2 File resources. If the value is true, the task is skipped and . This defaults to "default.pp" manifests_path (string) - The path to the directory which contains the manifest files. -e: Returns true value if file exists. In Puppet, the key-value pair is known as "fact". It affects not only mappings specified directly in this resource, but also any that are specified for this map file via separate autofs::mapping resources. Since you read Linux Journal, you've probably done a lot of this, as well as developed a range of glue shell scripts, Perl snippets and cron jobs.. execute. Manually install this module globally with Puppet module tool: puppet module install puppetlabs-stdlib --version 8.1.0. The manifest above will look for your my.cnf file in modules/mysql/files, but you need only create an empty file to start with. Yes: declare the package unconditionally. The best solution would actually be to use something like Augeas to examine the file and modify as necessary. Any locally-built, system-wide Flex should be in /usr/local, not in /usr, so you're basically saying that you always want the flex-devel package to be present on the system. The File.exist? puppet resource service pe-puppetserver ensure=stopped puppet resource service pe-puppetserver ensure=running; Recreate the issue. Multiple criteria are OR'd together, so a file that is too large but is not old enough will still get tidied. The 'pid file' also contains the process ID of the upgrade, if you wish to track the process itself. -f: Return true value if file exists and regular file. Now Puppet will ensure that a file at /tmp/dns will exist on ns1 and ns2. Ensure Example. You can't really tell puppet that a file should exist and not exist in. When a node is expired and purged with node-ttl and node-purge-ttl, the next Puppet run on that node adds it back to PuppetDB.. node-ttl marks the node as expired in PuppetDB . Now create and edit your module's init.pp file: sudo vi lamp/manifests/init.pp. MySQL uses sensible default settings, so it's fine to leave the my.cnf file empty for the time being. If the resource already exists but does not match the specified parameters, this function will attempt to recreate the resource leading to a duplicate resource definition . When using RPM / Yum / DNF based systems you'll often want to install packages from non-standard upstream repositories. I have stopped, removed the file, and restarted puppet at least 10 times or more but I'm still getting the same results and each time I restart puppet and run another puppet agent -t it still displays this file: [root@( ) state]# puppet agent -t If you wish to merely remove record separators then you should use the chomp function. That is not batch code at all. () will also return true for directories. execute. Chapter 4. This manifest file is expected to exist in the configured manifests_path (see below). If the user you want to remove is still logged in, or if there are running processes . You have an exec that creates a file or directory that should only run if it doesn't already exist. The second task ( Create a file if it doesn't already exist) starts by checking the exists value in the register. In Puppet, facter is a standalone tool that holds the environment level variable. Default: true. If it is, you need not worry about it. IF EXIST file.txt DEL /F file.txt. The very first concept we want to introduce you to is the Puppet manifest. Previously on ServerFault, it was shown how to test if a Resource was defined: Puppet: Test if Resource is defined, or create it. creates: the file created when the archive is extracted (true/false). Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code. I could fix it by running puppetdb-ssl-setup and restarting puppetdb and puppet master. if File ["/some/path"] always returns true, and if defined (File ["/some/path"]) only returns true if the resource is defined in puppet, regardless of whether it actually exists. Data type: Boolean Thanks If absent, directories will be recursively deleted, and files or symlinks will be unlinked.In the case of a directory, if diff is declared, you will see the files and folders deleted listed under path_contents.Note that absent will not cause file to fail if the path does not exist as the state did not change.. 5. . Direct download is not typically how you would use a Puppet module to manage your infrastructure, but you may want to download the module in order to inspect the code. These two steps populate the /etc/motd file with a list of the installed and registered modules, which stays updated even if you just remove the registered modules' include lines. > > Regards, > Vikas > > On Monday, 11 August 2014 19:50:45 UTC+10, Satish Katuru wrote: >> >> Correct me If I am wrong.This means puppet automatically takes the latest >> version of GIT from the Repository and deploy it on the . A manifest is a file containing Puppet configuration language that describes how resources should be configured. What are node-ttl and node-purge-ttl?. Configure MySQL server with Puppet. group: file group (see archive params for defaults). Data type: Boolean We can do this using the SSH protocol. this puppet manifest will remove the file /etc/file.txt if it exists: file { "/etc/file.txt": ensure => absent, } how to tell puppet to remove all files /etc/*.txt? Data type: Boolean. If the line is not contained in the given file, Puppet will append the line to the end of the file to ensure the desired state. A new DPK role file was created under etc\modules\pt_role\manifests called pt_tools_weblogic.pp. () the function checks whether or not a file or . Create Module. Use node-ttl and node-purge-ttl to maintain your deployment. Puppet avoids destroying directories unless the force attribute is set to true. For example, you may want to know if a file exists or to get a list of files for the current directory. Instead you can use an array of directories, each one progressing slightly further down the tree and puppet will create each of them in turn. 1. It affects not only mappings specified directly in this resource, but also any that are specified for this map file via separate autofs::mapping resources. However, node removal is not permanent. Ensure Example ``` file_line { 'sudo_rule': path . Both settings remove outdated node information from PuppetDB and free disk space. The only difference between the two methods is, File.exist? Run puppet agent -t again . This timeout determines how quickly Puppet checks whether a file (such as manifests or puppet.conf) has changed on disk. The implementation matches the full line, including whitespace at the beginning and end. PHP Code to check if File is Present $pathtofile = '/folder1/subfolder1/filename.ext'; 'Clear cache to remove result from previous run clearstatcache(); //Check if . Ensure Example ``` file_line { 'sudo_rule': path . Within this file, add a block for a class called "lamp", by adding the following lines: It allows triggering the execution of commands found in this file. Puppet 4.10 comes with ruby 2.1 is there a way to let puppet use newer versions of ruby? If you want to create a new file with content, you can first use the method above to create an empty file, and then use the blockinfile or lineinfile module to insert content.. A quicker way is to use the copy module. Default: true. Try your module by running the following command in your puppet agent terminal and check your /home/ubuntu/ directory to find the test.txt file copied into it. ; When you specify a SourcePath and a DestinationPath with a Type value of Directory, the resource copies source directory to the destination path.The properties Recurse, Force, and MatchSource change the type of copy operation performed, while . Starting with puppet 2.7 ( File type should auto-require all . The manifest is the closest thing to what one might consider a Puppet program. Unconfigured agents will try to find a master at puppet, so if you use this name it can reduce setup time. You may want to run the puppet agent --test . Creating a File With Content. Multiple resources may be declared to manage multiple lines in the same file. This is primarily useful when you want to change a single line in a file only. Specifies whether the destination file should exist. () to test file existence. Even though this module is used to copy a file from the control node to the remote host, you can include the content parameter to instantly add . @echo off IF EXIST file.txt DEL /F file.txt. If you aren't familiar with Puppet, the Puppet CookBook is a good place to get familiar with writing manifests. System administrators can append text to the list by writing to /etc/motd.local. What are node-ttl and node-purge-ttl?. At some point, you probably have installed or configured a piece of software on a server or desktop PC. Type: rvalue; defined_with_params. The implementation matches the full line, including whitespace at the beginning and end. Description Remove unwanted files based on specific criteria. -r: Return true value if file exists and is readable. Any locally-built, system-wide Flex should be in /usr/local, not in /usr, so you're basically saying that you always want the flex-devel package to be present on the system. If it's not already present the file will be created as per the file types parameters and then left alone - even if its content changes on either the puppet master or client side. If the line is not contained in the given file, Puppet will append the line to the end of the file to ensure the desired state. It declares resources that define state to be . Menu. puppet agent --test Deleting the file: Change your init.pp to delete the file you just copied as follows and run the above command again to delete the file. There is one other non-standard value for ensure. The Puppet dsc module manages Windows PowerShell DSC (Desired State Configuration) resources. But, only deploy the scripts when certain file exists, one that would only exist on the first puppet run after build. Solution class absent_file_exec { exec { 'create_needed_directory': command => '/bin/mkdir -p /tmp/needed/directory', creates => '/tmp/needed/directory' } } Explanation . This module generates Puppet types based on DSC Resources MOF (Managed Object Format) schema files. When a node is expired and purged with node-ttl and node-purge-ttl, the next Puppet run on that node adds it back to PuppetDB.. node-ttl marks the node as expired in PuppetDB . So maybe add that to your answer, to remember people that they have to connect at least once manually.This is interesting because say you want to run a script that ssh into a remote server but you never connected to it before and you don't/can't to. Use the -r ( --remove) option to force userdel to remove the user's home directory and mail spool: userdel -r username. Download. When you only specify a DestinationPath, the resource ensures that the path exists if Present or does not exist if Absent. mode: file mode (see archive params for defaults). Quick question, Im writing a module that makes sure file_line exists but cant figure out how to only apply this if the target file exists, heres the module so far according to the The issue was related to puppetdb certificate. Files; Create a directory; Create a symlink; Create a directory tree; Remove files; Select a file based on a fact; Select a template based on a fact; Select an EPP template based on a fact; Only manage absent files; Manage inifile settings; Restart service when config changes; Fetch a file from a website; Manage system limits; Reduce Duplicated . If you define a resource (ie, file {}, etc) Puppet will create what you're describing if doesn't already exist (assuming you pass ensure => present, of course). 20 I'm trying to write a function in puppet that will do a fail if the passed directory path does not exist. On the Puppet master, create the directory structure for a module named lamp: cd /etc/puppet/modules sudo mkdir -p lamp /manifests. In this version, the following DSC Resources are already built and ready for use: All base DSC resources found in PowerShell 5 . ;) @echo off && reg query RootKeyName\Path\To\Key\To\Query /v KeyName || echo Does not Exist!!!! 2. There are a tremendous number of options supported in repo configuration files and while the above example is a very simplified one it's worth reading through the types documentation, and the yum . In this section, the Puppet master will put a public key of my labtop into authorized_keys of Puppet agent so that I can login to the agent node from my labtop computer via ssh.. Puppet can manage SSH public keys and authorize them for user accounts, using . In puppet this can be achieved using the built in yumrepo type. Each resource has its own facts . Multiple resources may be declared to manage multiple lines in the same file. During upgrades the upgrade scripts use a 'pid file' located at Drive:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\puppet\cache\state\puppet_agent_upgrade.pid to indicate there is an upgrade in progress. In the [ main] section of the master's puppet.conf file, set the dns_alt_names setting to a comma-separated list of each hostname the master should be allowed to use. Sometimes there can be an overlap between the information stored in facts and environment variable of the machine. Copy. Ruby File Methods. Resource Type: file_line. This goes straight to Puppet's core behavior: it . In the playbook above, the first task ( Checking if a file exists) uses the stat module to retrieve the details of the test.txt file located in example_folder on the remote host. When you need to make changes to it, Puppet will roll them out automatically. In the . dr dy patil sports academy match; best books for learning spanish i belive it will look like this errorlevel 0 (echo exist) can i just replace echo exist with a run command? The <ARGUMENT NAME> is a descriptive name chosen by the function's author to indicate what the argument is used for. Writing Manifests. Ok I found the reason of the strange issue, I had to first connect with ssh, so it would ask me to save the ECDSA key fingerprint. Creating a directory tree in puppet is slightly harder than you'd first expect as puppet lacks a native mkdir -p equivalent. You have to search for and delete the files manually. The first part of the file is Puppet code to create a folder if it doesn't exist. if defined (File ["/tmp/foo"]) { alert ("/tmp/foo is defined") } else { alert ("/tmp/foo is not defined") } I'd like to test if a virtual resource is defined or exists, before realizing it . Any arguments with an Optional data type can be omitted from the function call. Yes: declare the package unconditionally. -x: Return true value if file exists and is executable. There are only two options for my setup: @echo off IF EXIST file.txt DEL /F file.txt. This goes straight to Puppet's core behavior: it . This parameter specifies whether this map file's contents should be managed in the event that the file already exists at the start of the Puppet run. The minimum time to wait between checking for updates in configuration files. Explanation. This defaults to "manifests" I don't know off hand what the ERRORLEVEL output of this command is if it does not find the KeyName. The default will change in a future release to be 'unlimited', requiring a reload of the Puppet service to pick up changes to its internal . The command above does not remove the user files located in other file systems. This means that if a file is currently a directory, setting ensure to anything but directory or present will cause Puppet to skip managing the resource and log either a notice or an error. This helped me a lot, as I wasn't entirely certain how to go about an issue I was having. The requirement for Class['accounts::config'] is to ensure that various configuration tasks are finished before the user account is defined; I discussed this in more detail in this post on Puppet, user accounts, and configuration files.Now, when I realize a virtual user resource, Puppet will also ensure that the user's SSH public key is automatically added to the user's .ssh/authorized .