In return companies would make a profit, pay their workers better. Each Friday, I wait (all tingly with anticipation) for the weekend so that I can stay up 'till the wee hours of the morning and sleep past noon. Like a muffin. It's a law, I think. Uhdon't think soNumber Four: I could have learned to drive. Here, topic, topic, topic! I will just type, and type, and never, ever use copy and paste. Emma Taggart is a Contributing Writer at My Modern Met. I'm not sure why. I salute those people. Hello, everyone! Okay, maybe it was the ranch dressing instead of the special, fresh buffalo wings. Or he can try to save Trinity and doom mankind. Wellbetter goI need to plan this out moreI'm back. Yes, it goes on and on my friend. These cookies do not store any personal information. It just seems extremly weird (and worthy of mentioning) that this semi-important guy from Kansas believes in a "vast breakfast food conspiracy". Of course, said adults would have to peel their butt-cheeks off the couchbut they'd have to do that for the delivary man anyway. HI! "Someone thinks that someone thinks that someone thinks that someone thinks that,"[1] or by combining shorter clauses. I have once again caused that explody sensation in your brain meats! The first time, I didn't save it. In a recent article, humorist Dave Barry discussed the addictive quality of the snack food, Cheez-Its. They particularly liked how I said that she went back and ran over it 11 more times. I'll add a link to the main page when I get around to it. HmmmmI suppose I should clarify that the Pikachu game was 3-D and your character was in first person mode(you see through character's eyes). If this was quality work, I'd publish it and make a fortune. I spend from 8-5 doing what everyone else wants. 1,288 words and many clauses make up the lengthy run-on phrase. Seeya. Longest math problem copy and paste | Math Theorems I've been obsessed with various webcomics, creating the stupidly long new Phobia Quiz and being maniacly hysterical about my site always being down due to bandwith issues. We have ZIM, neopets, music, and much, much, more. Oh, well. This seemed slightly unpracticle, so we ended up not taking that 337 mile detour. That's why it MUST be EVIL! I am here to bring AWARNESS to your moosey soul! After all, isn't that basicly what the best teachers do? You seeknowledge is good. As you may or may not know, small children swarm the ice cream trucks. I have no problem with Lit. Hey, it's the 3 r's! *sniffle* I just want to have some FREAKIN' variety in my daily grind, you know? Immediatly, my mother started complaining. I better stop typing before I have a heart attackjust rememberThe Matrix has youI'm back. Should you refuse to aknowledge the Patron Saint of Paper Clips as the ruler of the Internet, you will be subjected to punishment as stated in Code 343 of the Flaming Chicken Handbook (i.e. My mother visited relatives. Below is an example of a reply email stating that you have received the email. What is the longest sentence in English literature? - Fun Trivia Unless you're bored. Next to the Really Big Button, of course. Seeyahmmm..I wonder if there's subliminal stuff in my computerI'm back. Now, I'm sure you've at least heard of subliminal messages , right? Plus, the kids at the daycare (where I work, obviously) say that I'm "cool to talk to". Originally from Northern Ireland, she is an artist now based in Berlin. She'll shake and run from it, then suddenly dive and bite it's head. I've just gotten an idea for some more, original, fortunesI gotta go! Your subconsious mind acts on whatever it is told. Don't worry, I'll go to bed soon. When I related this story to my friends (including "Meg") they thought it was hilarious. (it's edited, of course, to stay PG13**** signifies a random naugty word:)) "HEY, DOG ENTITY! Seeya. She didn't know. It's great for making random topics weave together to form an overall infrastructure of chaos. I'm back! *waits for readers to become insanely jealous* Yep, that's right, a bar with a pool table! Is fat-free food more delicious than food loaded with fat? Oh, well. but if I do, only friends and enemies will receive copies. I mean, come on! By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Most book lovers would agree that coming across a very long sentence in a novel can sometimes require multiple reads to comprehend. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 65 Long Sentences in Literature - Bookfox The previous sentence made absolutly no sense. Hmmmmmaybe my condition is worsening. And on to:#4You make your friends look normal in comparison. That meant only one corse of action for them. does not, has never, and will absolutly NOT admit to having any weaknessbesides the aformention indivduals own skin, which isn't even a weakness anyway since no representative of the Dark, Fluffier Side can BE the Patron Saint of Paperclips (Guess, whononoTHAT'S IT!) BoyI really enjoy confusing myself! I knowyou are as shocked as I am. Good-bye. EryeahI'm back. I rule the Internet! I'm so special. I think that they should routinly die a slow, savage, agonizing deathI was just saying a random thing that I would never, ever do.) She promptly borrowed $1 to help with the waitresses tip(This part I'm not being sarcastic about) All in all it was a night I'll remember forever (as the lowest point in "family outing"history, except for that time my mom dragged me to a church thing on the concept of truth.) Or, if I was weirder than I am, I could at least kill the monkey with the organ and eat it. Everything is fine. HA! There is a world where you were never born. The actually think that their skin's efforts to protect them are ATTRACTIVE. In other news, I participated in the Second Battle of the Asparagus Wars and chronicled them here. If I told you, I'd have to kill you and all that stuff. Answer me, you blobby looking freak! It'll be ready soon, ain't it great? Space is notorious for not having air. You cannot deny the logic of my thinking! Although I acted like an idiot. And so, I'll take a trip down memory lane, to the dark depths of the past, to when I decided to make this page. Speaking of food, what's up with pie? Obviously I at least have a computerso, back to the organ grinders. After graduating with a BA in Fashion and Textile Design in 2013, Emma decided to combine her love of art with her passion for writing. Oooooo! I heard something and turned around, and there he was! Now I must take my leaveand remember. Oh, wellI tired of nostalgia. We got there, we ate. Speaking of animals, there's a cat in California who is a kleptomaniac (likes to steal stuff). Did you know, that Kodak was part of the conspiracy to assasinate John F. Kennedy. He tried to kill me! And, once again, I have proof that someone actually took the time (two hours) to read this entire Longest Text Ever! Wasn't that semi-entertaining? There is a world where you are a slave to your TOASTER OVEN. Try it. I'm back. Did you know that statistics prove that 45% of all statistics are completly made up by me (The Patron Saint of Paperclips)? are completly accidental and are not the fault/responsibility of the creators. Josh says I probably won't remember writing any of this, but I can't sleep. What a crazy idea. afterwardsthey turned off the lights. Now her sister sounds an alarm whenever she sees the evil feather. Because that would be impossible. longest possible text for discord. I'm still peeved about the cartoon owl from the Tootsie Roll Pop commercials. I feel special. Definitly. There are now longer sentences in . The first part of the trip was fairly easy. Founder @ World's Best Story amplifier of creativity & fun! Have you ever had the evil pop-up that says that if you click here, it'll get rid off all the annoying pop-ups? No, really. Yeaha topic would be good. I bet it's spelled monkeys. To Cheese Nips. Spooky, huh? Now I have a purpose in life! My evil, EVIL sister. (In a very vast sense) And: did you ever notice that the word "conspiracy" is vastly similar to the word "constipation". But you'd never prove it was infinite. Oh. Her first guess was enslaved africans. No? The Book-Length Sentence - Essay - The New York Times I found at that yet another one of my friends is reading this. These people have obviously suffered major brain damage from their prolonged exposure to the sun. We'd probably go crazier. Wait, no it isn't, I still have to keep going, and going, and going. If you don't understand the concept of numbers less than zero, (negative numbers) just skip this part. And I asked myself "How could I have better spent my time?" You'd have to be an absolute loser (or really bored) to come here. But for now I can only dream of that. I figured you rush right on over to e-mail me. I'm not exactly sure what that means, but it sure is funny:) You don't agree? That's right, a sword! Then he preceeded to trash my room, scattering kleenex everywhere. Haha, oops. If my site manages to last a decade, my readers *snicker* will probley wonder what I'm talking about. Is that too much to ask? But one of my classes is work, and two others are horrible year-round classes. You see, if you memorize stuff, you only have to remember that the answer to number 6 is Clara Barton for a week, rather than having to remember that Clara Barton started the Red Cross for the rest of you life. I repeat, there is nothing to worry about. I was almost completly covered in (fake) bloodit was sticky toward the end. Sign Up , it unlocks many cool features! I promise. You haven't been paying attention have you? See? All because YOU tried to convince me that I was crazy. The researches even used highly advanced technololgy to map the surface of a pancake and compare it to documented geology of Kansas. theni got to go stand while people said a lot of stuff. However, I am currently content to just sit here and type. Follow him at@jdmagness, by Josh Jones | Permalink | Comments (30) |. I don't think I have any conspiracy theoriesexcept pop-ups/pop-unders. *sigh* My dogs are just weird. I WANT to write. Its in the mail, I promise! and even if they could it wouldn't do them any good because it would scare them instead of the aformentioned individual. Apparently this page really is getting long, because my friend said something to that effect. WAIDAMINIT!! Reading requires perseverance, but once you get into the flow, its like dipping into Faulkners stream of consciousness. In the beginning of the movie, Neo is having dreams about Trinity's death. I even came up with a mathematical explanation for why gambling is fun (while I was eating a hyper-speed dinner, thinking nothing of getting back to the slot machine). GRAVITY IS EVIL! I gave up in exasperation. Isn't that sort of ironic? Makes you wonder about "reality" television, huh? It's been practically proven that Ketchup transforms into a highly intoxicating (non-addictive) delicious substance upon returning from the 5th Dimension. Longest Word in English (189,819 Letters) - Either way, I'm here. I'll tell you. This has been a public service announcment. Hours of completly useless fun! I can just see Hot Dog, and Pizza trucks roaming the neighbor hoods, selling treats to hungry childrenand adults. I was looking forward to having A elective, while everyone else was enjoying three or fouror even more. Out of sheer curiosity, I asked Mrs. X who participated in the Civil War. I'm back. My entire family is weird. He always enjoyed it because it meant that somewhere, he was the Supreme Dictator of the Galaxy. Except for maybe five and six. we had to get there one hour and fifteen minutes early because there was traffic. Spooky how accurate they areanyway, I command you to go! They start out with half that number, and then just fill in words until they have the right amount. But they really were'nt buffoal wings 'cause buffalo's don't have wingscause they come off when they are babies, JOsh says so and he must be right causse he's been having Profound Thoughts even though he cannot remember them. What I liked best was the philosophy on choices. In school, back before I even owned a computer, I'd type random words for long periods of time, 'cause I had nothing better to do. Especially since I don't have viewers. And #5: You can give each of your pets several weird names such as: Ringling-Raison-Bailey-Suzana-Midnight-Schultz, Squirell, Moose, Moose-Moose, Moosey-Moose, Linzey-Moose, Muffin, Squirell-Muffin, Yabby-Doodle, Abby Normal, Wiggle-Baby, Wiggle-Muffin, Witle-Baby, Cheese-Monkey, Muffin-With-Squirell-Juice, Squirell-With-Muffin Juice, Moosey-Juice, Squirell-Monkey, etc. You cannot follow the vast, mind-boggling logic that is ME! The notag. Then, when it's in German, or whatever, translate it back to English. When I win 500np on a normal game, I move to the 500 point. This confirmed my suspicion that she only went so that she could have the use of the church's playground equipment. If so, I guess I won't be writing here for quite awhileseeya. That makes complete and total sense! Unless we spray-painted the snow purple, too. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. 12 Dec 2012. I'm going, you're on you're own! Why am I writing? When someone of her generation runs for president, I'm gonna do a complete background check. Kinda like me and "Meg" webcomic we are trying to do. *reader starts inching towards freedom* I better goI think that I may have a problem brewing. According to someone you problem don't know, this is the second most pointless website ever! Towards the end of the movie, Neo chooses to tell Trinity to stay out of the Matrix, since he saw her die in it. Either I am growing more comfortable with my on-line writing, or I am progressivly getting more insane and chaotic. I've finnally figured out sorta, maybe, kinda, how to do stuff to make it more real. Completly defeated, I told her that it was the religion she practiced every Sunday when she went with her friends to church. A la recherche du temps perdu by Marcel Proust., I got a sentence that was 5639 words long, i just looked it up so can can copy and paste it on my school chat for fun not to read, I just wanted to say, i really like cheese, andi thinki think my teacher is mad at me sry waitshes mad because i was asking my other teacher questions about work online teacher sure is a ##### ass feminist, i just wrote a sentence with 1,289 words so ha. It's like grand-theft auto 3's talk show, you know, the one where there are Citizens Raging Against Phones? He looked me upvia yahoo's search engine using flaming-chicken as the keyword. well never know but oh crap its starting to snow and its time to show and tell about the well that you found last summer at camp when it was damp it was near the ramp oh god why must this be I liked that tree but now its gone, farewell so long Ill miss you as long as you write but then Im afraid to say good-night. This action has made her very suspicious of where my loyalties lie. As we all know, the world is going to end in about 380,695 days! Mar 25th, 2014. After a film adaptation of Salinger's 'The Catcher in the Rye,' writer, artist and director Nigel Tomm publishes the longest sentence which contains the longest word. Why do weird people (myself included) obsess about monkeys? *there's that darn cricket again* And I have a genuine question to ask all of my loyal readers *cough-cough* Okay, here it is: Is it normal for a non-gender specific sibling to carry around various dead reptiles (snakes, turtles, lizards etc.) from graduation. I'm finnaly back! So here it is! Too Bad! Okay. Was it on purpose, or was it just some mistake? Right now, while you are sitting in your "chair" and eating your "junk food", millions of almonds are commiting suicide. Today, I met her arch-enemy. What a good idea! You say it didn't let you out? No one is really coming here, anyway. Maybe, some day far in the future (like next Thursday) I'll print a copy of this insane text. They're basically begging on the street. School children won't be able to correctly identify the color of a zebra. I've decided to imortalize the stupidity of my dog, Moose. This is too frustrating. Did you really think I'd give you guys my ADDRESS? So when you kill, or whatever, in the game, you are actually ending life somewhere in the universe. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. You're shocked at my selfish, bad, memory. The events of Neo's dream unfold. In some far off world, there are pokemonthere are an evil race of muffin like creatures, there is a world with ABSOLUTLY NO COMMERCIALS DURING TELEVISION! i felt sorry for my dad. Cheese is watching. Today we had a "family outing." That's the rant of the week, month, year, whatever. And I don't really have a topic today. I have heard some feedback suggesting that I make someway for people to remember where they stopped reading. Sure, my TEACHER said that was because I was doing the problems wrong, but once I'm the Ruler of the Laws of Nature, I'll change the problems so that I'm right! Good for it. We had to do an essay on a book. Aren't they regressed to a child-like state? Well, too bad! We got to go to a bar and play pool!!!!! If (and this is a big if) the world DOES survive, we can beg them for food, oxygen and other supplies. She tracks the feather smell all over the house, and goes crazy whenever I take it out of my pocket. Dolphins Bring Gifts to Humans After Missing Them During the Early Pandemic, Dutch Woman Breaks Track and Field Record That Had Been Unbeaten in 41 Years, Mystery of Garfield Phones Washing Up on a French Beach for 30 Years Is Finally Solved, Study Suggests Body Odor Can Reveal if a Man Is Single or Not, 3,000-Year-Old Greek Olive Tree in Greece Still Grows Olives, 11 Trailblazing Female Scientists That You Need to Know, 11 Facts About the Ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, 19th-Century Cobweb Valentines Are Surprising and Romantic Works of Art, Valentines Day: The Unromantic Origins of This Romantic Holiday, 15 Important Civil Rights Activists To Know From the Past and Present, Groundhog Day: An Age-Old Tradition Rooted in Fun and Folklore, Download Nearly 70,000 Color Photos Showing Life Around the World in the Early 20th Century, Medieval List Reveals 1,065 Dog Names Suitable for the Historic Humans Pups, Explore and Learn About Christmas Traditions Around the World, Message in a Bottle From 1887 Discovered Under Floorboards in Scotland, Eye-Opening Video Series Reveals How Fashion Has Changed Since Ancient Times. You can't blame me. Pythagoras Theorem is a + b = c. I have an extra-special rant for you all today, to celebrate the new domain name! Oh, well. Here, see if you can find the super-secret message! I think that such gender-specific torture should be deemed inhumane and abolished from our great societyof flaming chickens. No? Sothe plan is going to fail. Sometimes, it is lazy. Sentences can be made arbitrarily long in various ways. And, are monkeys spelled monkies? What I mean is, you wouldn't be very proud if the average person said that they just took a dookey on the toilet, and you wouldn't be very proud if they knew who fought against the Union in the Civil War. But I can't think of anything to write about. In other words, they take all that extra "stuff" out to make it pure. Right now, I have another twenty minutes on the Internet before I'm gonna watch T.V. Since there are many opportunities to communicate with customers and colleagues using e-mail, mastering how to write reply e-mails, subject line expressions, and how to use example sentences is one of the essential skills. OH, SO SPLENDID!! But, if it had remained that way, I would have had no impetus to continue my pointlessly insane ranting.
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