SHE may appear to be your friend but may hurt and punish you for loving her. Its so wonderful to have found such a caring and wonderful soul like yourself . A fool rejects his fathers discipline, but whoever heeds correction is prudent. The difficulties will generally not show up during the early stages of their relationship. This is the fun partshe does not know her chart, but she has ALWAYS related strongly to Medusa to the point that she actually chose it for her CB handle (nick-name)! If Medusa applies to you, I am sure it does, my Friend! Together, you feel you are going somewhere. it is conjunct a particular guys NN in synastry. Mercury is never more than twenty-eight degrees from the Sun, and Venus is never more than forty-five degrees. Our synastry is off the charts, mostly unbelievably beautiful and positive. 15.7k. They will also tend to compete with each other and clash over matters of ego and pride. Look at Straightwood and put those in. This post may contain affiliate links. The Sun is an important planet when it comes to synastry. With the Sun sextile Mars synastry aspect, you must actively work to encourage each other. The relationship will be dominated by the man, but the woman can play a protective maternal role. Sometimes, this couple has totally different needs concerning timing. The Mars person specifically feels sexually attracted to the Sun person, but there is definitely physical compatibility in general. Theyre in synch, for the most part. Although there is a natural intimacy between the partners, the man eventually becomes a receptive follower of the woman. Those who live outside of Utah can reach the National . The Sun Conjunct Sun synastry combination shows a tendency to form connections which are intense and enduring. I do have to work on relationships. At first, things might feel a bit off, but with a bit of communication and trial/error, the couple can learn to balance both of their needs. Be careful that this remains healthy (as it certainly can be) and doesnt turn too competitive or nasty. Although the two of you have many basic differences in your personalities, you are, nevertheless, attracted to each other and intrigued by each other. Deja conj the MC may be abuse that happens either in public( Nicole Simpson had this) or at work. The Sun trine the Moon synastry corresponds to romantic and marital relationships, especially if the Solar is a man and the Lunar is a woman. This went on for awhile. When I have let someone who is attracted to me that I am not attracted to as anything other than a friend get too close, it has ended in my being raped more than once. Mercury-Venus Synastry Conjunct, Square, Trine, Opposite, Sextile, Uranus in Sagittarius: Character and Fate, Sun-Mars Synastry: Square, Trine, Sextile, Opposite, Conjunct, Sun-Pluto Synastry: Conjunct, Trine, Square, Opposite, Sextile. This is such a powerful synastry when it happens to you that it tends to permeate all aspects of your relationship especially if you are involved in a relationship where there is little conflict or attachment. Synastry:SunJupiterAspects What do you think of Medusa conjunct Mars? what is medusa conjunct midheaven? You are so sweet Tina! All things considered, Medusa has the potential to be cataclysmic. Synastry:SunSunAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Synastry aspects can work very well to help people get to know each other and learn about each other. They know what makes each other tick. I wonder how rare this is??? With the Sun opposite the Moon synastry, the creative, energetic principle opposes but still attracts the family, passive principle. Asteroid Medusa in Synastry?! - Astrologers' Community I was not surprised to see this in Kate Middleton's synastry with Prince William. I feel the same way with you honey! The bullying I experienced in elementary was horrible. Would any of that explain it? In such a relationship, various forms of resentment can emerge. I have Medusa conjunct Venus, Juno, and Lilith. When the Sun conjuncts another persons sun, it can create an instant bond of trust and comfort between you and another person, as well as an innate sense of knowing that you have found your soulmate. It also trines Uranus (Aquarius in 8th house) and opposite Chiron (sag in 6th house)? This variation of the Sun square the Moon synastry causes difficulties in perception and understanding. When the Sun aspects another natal planet, it can bring out either the best or the worst in that planet. Each partner may be motivated to do slightly different things, but they are able to respect each others interests. The Sun represents our ego and identity on a very deep level. What is your opinion on this? Ophelia is conjunct my pluto (9th house virgo) by 41 minutes. Since venus is my Ascendant ruler, does it mean that I also have Medusa conjunct Ascendant? This Sun sextile Mars synastry aspect has a lot to do with balance. Sun Conjunct Ascendant Synastry: A Complete Guide - Your Higher Journey Persephone square my ASC by 32 minutes. Synastry:Venus-UranusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts They rub each other wrong and know how to get under each others skin. Sun sextile Moon synastry corresponds to a relationship based on cooperation and mutual understanding. Synastry:MoonNeptuneAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Synastry:MoonUranusAspects 1. Theres two versions to the Medusa myth. What do you think? Although it may be pleasantly challenging at times, and especially at the beginning of your relationship, the need to defend ones basic personality can be draining. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. You have a strong Medusa so be careful you are not a tease because we get back what we give. Synastry Aspects for Soulmates in Astrology (Explained A-Z) Which makes me think of the Medusa-Athena myth! The Lunar gladly absorbs the energy of creative self-expression of the solar who, in turn, receives the positive potential of the practical possibilities of the Lunar. Sun-Saturn Aspects In Synastry | Tea & Rosemary They will enjoy similar things, and they will be able to find a lot to do together. Related:Venus-Pluto Aspects In The Natal Chart. Most people have quite a few struggles but they are different for different people. All of this means that this cross-sign conjunction needs to be analyzed in the context of the two charts involved. Id scorn them because I dont understand why they have fallen for me. Most people are familiar with the Sun in astrology. The Sun opposition Mars synastry aspect means that these partnerscan have a passionate sexual relationship, but ego clashes can get in the way of this. What about my Medusa in Sagittarius in the 10th house? In this Sun conjunct Saturn synastry . Also, people have the tendency to get annoyed with traits in others that they do not like in themselves. Communication is essential in this relationship. Athena was jealous. You can easily find hobbies or things to do that you both appreciate. The Lunar is quite capable of providing the necessary emotional calming effect for the solar personality. Synastry:MoonVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts If the man can take on a role that reflects the strength of the woman, this aspect can be the basis for a compatible union. She lured men to her and then she killed them. let me ask you this, do you kind of resent them that they are attracted to you, like scorn them? Could this be an indication of sexual harassment? In Synastry (with an acquaintance) I have it exactly conjunct their Sun and their Medusa is conjunct my moon (2 deg orb). Sun/Sun. These discussions are based on the synastry aspects between the Sun in their two charts. Book an appointment today! Book an appointment today! If two people have the Sun in the same place, it is easy for them to clash out of competition for the spotlight and out of pride. Medusa wanted to be admired for her beauty. She was vain about it, but she was young and didn't know any better than to flaunt her beauty in front of an older woman, whose beauty was waning. This transit can bring about an inflated sense of confidence and ego due to ones accomplishments in life. There is a transformation of subconscious expectations in relation to these figures. Because I dont think Im all that great or attractive, Id scorn them for falling for me as a result of not being able to see unattractive sides of me. She had it conjunct her ASC. This type of Sun conjunct Moon synastry is great for bringing out the natural shine in the man as the woman is susceptible to it. This could cause conflict, especially if they live together or even spend a lot of time together. They may find themselves wondering what they saw in the other. Shes alluring, and theres something slightly provocative about her not by the way she dresses or anything like that, but theres a way about her that tells other that she cant be trifled with. If it is conj YOUR NN, it will be a major life theme, K. I have Medusa conjunct Venus and Chiron. For example, the Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect in Aries will be a lot more angry and explosive than the aspect in Cancer, which will be much more passive-aggressive and emotional. In the astrology chart it is represented by two suns touching one another. They can also be extremely proud of one another! I thought this men chaser in me was attributed to my Eros in Aries. Synastry:Mercury-NeptuneAspects Medusa, in the myth, turns the amorous gentleman to stone. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. In synastry what does it mean if the mans nessus square the womans stellium of conjunct Sun,Medusa,.Pollux? Opposites attract! Sun-Venus Opposite-Square-Conjunct-Trine-Sextile Synastry In addition, Sun trine Moon synastry is successful for the business, family, home, and pedagogical and educational relationships. Medusa is another sad story. xoxo. I mean, its fun until I get it, and then I lose interest. Sun trine Sun in synastry: It is highly unlikely that these people can match each other in temperament, as well as in basic life principles and worldview. And as the expression of a singular soul, it is an energy that is rare and unique. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. The Sun conjunct the Sun is a complex aspect in synastry. Does that make sense? It brings a lot of difficulties into a relationship but also gives immense potential for growth. You respond to each others needs automatically, whether these needs are physical or emotional. What is her myth, Tina? A lot of how this aspect manifests will depend on the sign that the conjunction is in. Oh no! In the Sun conjunct Mars synastry relationship, its easy for either person to get super defensive. As far as conservative ideas of the family are concerned, the Sun opposite the Moon synastry works better when the Solar is a man and the Lunar is a woman. Both the Sun and the Mars person respect each others individuality. When the Sun is conjunct the Sun in synastry, the two people are alike in some fundamental ways. This can be a challenging aspect in a romantic relationship. Both partners often feel defensive, which may kill their attraction to each other. Synastry:Mercury-MarsAspects Medusa has a story that people want to change. Gottcha Janay. The Sun conjunct Sun aspect describes the type of twinship emotional, mental or spiritual that can exist between two people. With the Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect, there is astrong physical connection. I learned the importance of being kind to others who were different than me. I mean, woman. She did lure.Then,she would demean the men that responded. Be very careful in my opinion, Jo. Synastry: Sun - Sun Aspects Between Two Charts - Cafe Astrology A good 'Sun Conjunct Sun' synastry aspect indicates that a couple is on the same pageyou and your partner understand one another on a more personal level. The Sun conjunct Ascendant synastry aspect means you magnify each other's strengths by sending positive energy. The quincunx to the ASC may make you want to express her but it would be a conflict like you may want to tease men but you feel guilty about it. Synastry Overlays: Sun in First Through Seventh Houses However, it is possible for this relationship to work. But, with medusa thrown into the mix, i feel like that might accentuate that aspect of my Eros:/. There is a great deal of compatibility between you, for you understand and are in harmony with one anothers basic needs, aims, and approach to life. When the Sun and Ascendant are in synastry, it is in a very favorable position. All in orbs of 1 degree. Sometimes the Lunar behaves absentmindedly and inconsistently toward the Solar partner, annoying them with melancholy. Some women have trouble being around very beautiful women. An innate appreciation and understanding of one anothers essence exists between you, and this is vitalizing and ego-affirming for both of you. I can suppress those traits. I also have this natally but I also have Valentine conjunct asc exact natally too and in this synastry. Alternatively, Mercury and/or Venus may be in adjacent signs, which will increase the potential for conflict and misunderstanding between the two. The Mars person in particular is sexually attracted to the Sun person. With the Sun conjunct Mars synastry aspect, both people probably get energy just from being around each other, but too much energy can be a bad thing. Synastry:MoonSaturnAspects The roots of the disagreements are often emotional (this is especially true for the Lunar).
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