Its already a doozy I can feel. Im the one who will get the pieces of the broken dropped in her lap to put back together, clean or process into the next cycle. Could you talk more about this current mars saturn square neptune aspect in the sky this week? The axe is an instrument used for beheading and is the best instrument for that purpose in the hands of a skilled executioner. This is aligned with Mars ' aim to place . Mars Saturn Aspects ~ Axe Wielders~ Darkstar Astrology I find Mars/Saturn to be very precise, man. Mars Gemini in 10th house, conjunct moon and chiron. I had anxious dreams all night it seems and I wasnt even in my own dream!! Back to Planetary Aspects I meditate a lot, and write my way through the cruelty that like has already been said, turns onto myself. This includes acknowledging yourself (natal) and/or other (synastry). He lied to me, tried to hide a one night stand with his ex. Mars Conjunct Moon Transit Your boundaries are sharp, and so are your emotions and feelings. Instead, I have a card to play, and I shall play it with ice-cold calm. HOwever- we also have strong saturns (late degrees mine is at 29 cap, so is dads, my uncle has sun at 29 cap) and the family intention is to direct all that energy appropriately. I have Mars conjunct Saturn (both retrograde) in Libra in the 8th. Mars conjuncts tight in Saturn (in Leo) with Pluto for a stellium in the 7th and 8th Houses. I think this aspect comes down to respect. That would normally annoy me, and I would kick up a stink. Another point: beware of overworking because excessive strain will harm your health. @Josephine, In classical astrology (only up to Saturn), Mars and Saturn were the two big malefics (bad planets). I never bury my emotons. Going with the flow and not taking the initiative will allow frustration to build to a dangerous level. The title was chosen notbecause this aspect is particularly murderous, but because it is highly symbolic of the archetypal energy of this combination. I have mars conj Uranus in Scorpio sextile Saturn and jupiter. Mars stimulates ambition and progressive instinct in Saturn. Thanks for your not so negative insight on the pairing, wish me luck. any thoughts? Also physical training is super important with having this aspect! So its Rx now and will go back SLOWLY til it turns on my Uranus in gemini 8 and somehow highlights saturn again i forget how but seven months? The US always implements war or war activities when Mars is conjunct Saturn. Goodness, your finger is so defty on it that it took my breath away. To avoid complications, the conjunction of Mars and Saturn in your synastryis best comprehended when you compare the specific features of both planets. For me, this is an aspect of determination, and thats how I like to look at it and use it. If Mars conjunct Saturn in the chart were harshly aspected or on a troublesome fixed star, then we might expect the more heartless and malicious nature of this aspect to be displayed. This may lead to you having a fear of your own masculine self. Regards A long time can be spent holding back their true desires, or honest feelings, repressing and even denying that others have treated them wrong. Research these natal aspects: Moon conjunct Saturn Ive got Saturn/Mars opposing each other, with each of them squaring my 10H Sun. Interpretation sample from the InDepthreport. To the degree that this is accomplished you will achieve security in life. Synastry Aspects - Astrology Meanings and Interpretations. See quincunx, semi-sextile, and the quintile/biquintile. Mars Conjunct Pluto Aspects Natal and Transit | Mars Square Saturn Natal and Transit - Astrology King Wish me luck! This is not easy since you should really only move ahead on a project after forethought or planning; your judgments tend to be colored by your fears or your momentary desires. Im usually working on a project that really scares or disgusts me. I also have Sun opposite pluto which I am sure doesnt not help things Since i have gotten into astrology I have paid more attention to these things and that is positive!! This is the raw physical energy as opposed to the creative energy of the sun. Hard energy to manage. Traditionally, this aspect is said to cause frustration and difficulty in expressing anger, and even nastiness. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. It doesnt help that my 7th house is under Mars rulership of Aries. Today, I have Mars exactly conjunct Saturn. Jamie, please tell me how you think my crim-busting project will work out in my favour or theirs? I have natal saturn at nine degrees sag conjunct juno mars at 13,15 sag conjunct uranus at 22 sag. At least I dont think it is, people tend to find me very warm and caring. When it comes to the Mars conjunct Saturn in women, you may feel a lot of access to your static feminine and dynamic feminine attributes, and feel that youre losing touch with your musculine self. Downright cruelty, in my experience, has been with people who can play the socially acceptable role; ie: Im going to talk crap about people behind their backs becaus,, e its the only way Ill feel better about myself or Im going to prey on the hard working individual who listens to me and helps out often, doesnt get in my way but nonetheless there has to be something I can destroy in that persons life because Im a bitch and proud of it. You're likely to be seen as active and energetic, and you are also unlikely to back down from a challenge. This normally kind caring Virgo feels this today. Natal Mars Conjunct Saturn ~ Knowing Your Limitations - AstroMatrix For me, there is enough to keep learning about with transits to planets. Wow, I have never experienced that before and I have a really vivid dream life. Thats probably true. David Lynch (001) is an American filmmaker known for his violent and disturbing style termed Lynchian. Mine is an English circumstance, essentially not unlike the Australian strata-title one. . It can ignite your darkest desires or give you the stamina and patience to complete the hardest of tasks. tendency to make you angry, resentful or revengeful. Oh God, Ill say!!! Looking for interpretations for other aspects? With Saturn, they often spend a lot of hard hours facing lessons in this area. Mars - Uranus Aspects: Conjunct Sextile Trine Square Opposition Its a great if not absolutely necessary outlet for negative energy and pressure for us who has this aspect! Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. In my research I found an interesting amount of wielders of the axe in the guitarist sense. War on Iraq started when Mars was conjunct Saturn. However it can managed. I believe my Saturn/Mars and gives me a backbone and staying power in an otherwise not very powerful chart. Sun conjunct Saturn in composite charts points towards a serious or long-term relationship. No one can do it for you. You could learn more about midpoints at the Noel Tyl Forum. Sun Conjunct Saturn In Natal Charts, Composite Charts & Synastry Find out important dates in 2023 that can be a improve your relationships, career opportunities and health considerations. As I expected, the crims are withholding those addresses. Also, transit Mars will aspect natal Saturn (lord of 10 th house of Governance). Looking for interpretations for other aspects? In marriage the aspect is a point in favor of endurance. On the other hand, Mars canteach Saturn to go after their true goals and ambitions, without any fears or doubts. Mars sexuality combined with Saturn downfall. Wow. Sorry Raju. You cant have something like that in your chart and not have it play. Suns only aspect. Mars conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (society, Congress). We know that the Democrats are introducing BS left-wing, radical agendas into the coronavirus relief bill. i m game to get things done but fate has intervened and lo the new moon lunar eclipse 2 degree scorpio was on my part of destiny A long time can be spent holding back their true desires, or honest feelings, repressing and even denying that others have treated them wrong. 16 May 2030 Thanks! (Check out the very long list of successful sextiles!) Comets are small celestial bodies that orbit the Sun. My mother had a Mars Saturn conjunction in Scorpio Square Moon in Leo. I am considered pretty mellow at work (saturn 10th) though any attempt to explain my side and Im accused of being defensive (mars 1st house). Please put some light on it. Hm, I have a mars/saturn conjunction in scorpio, each squaring an 8th house sun. Ive never had the desire or burning, seething and suppressed inclination to be mean or cruel. There is often no contemplation before action when it comes to this primal energy. We still have something flying around the family called The Temper red rage. How to Handle Your Human Relations(Can be read as a Natal Apect). Using the Midheaven, the True Node and Saturn discover where your true potential and Career lies. However, there is the opposite extreme and Mars-Saturn could be a tyrant; they are in a position of authority and are cruel and insensitive towards others in an oppressively or brutal manner. If I ever get crossed in anyway, I become a very vindictive Gladiator out for blood. Yesterday she asked me if she was going to get over of get rid of this and I had to tell her no. People with Venus conjunct Saturn in their birth chart are perfect when it comes to dealing with the arts or the sciences. Interpretations written by Annie Heese, unless otherwise noted. Sent 3-5 times a week. Its more like having fear showing vulnerability, but I will sow it anyway. There has been more than one Oscars scandal this year. *You are very serious about reaching your goals and feel that keeping your nose to the grindstone is the only way to do it. This is aligned with Mars ' aim to place energy on a specific goal, and once you find a real . As a remedy, you can try to communicate your feelings more openly and maintain a level of co-operation to allow the energy to flow back to the relationship. However, it can be a great way to focus the energy of Mars. And I have to be able to contact the entire group, most of whom do not live on the premises, to be able to move against the small-time crims. Mars Conjunct Saturn In Capricorn - The Ultimate Cock-Block Big lessons for Mars conjunct Saturn involve focusing discipline; their energy directed towards a goal and a confrontation with ones physical limits. Then openly express anger and constructively address difficult people and situations. They come at me like heat-seeking missiles. It is one of the five planets visible from Earth using only the naked-eye (the others are Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter). Focused energy. maybe its cause of pluto conj. Perhaps that's largely because you've faced many obstacles, especially early in life. Society is NOT going to take this much longer, mark my words! And implacable dog with a bone. The life is characterized by tests of strength and courage; through anger and bitter disappointment. We may need to re-evaluate our lives further as Saturn moves through Aquarius. Also it makes one very very strategic indeed! You feel that you must rely on yourself alone, that its all on your shoulders, and you can be a harsh disciplinarian, expecting far too much from yourself and others. His neptune 15 saggitarius 8th house conjunct my anti-vertex. Not only do I have Saturn/Mars opposition my husband does too we do the Gladiator scene a lot. She lures men with her beauty and when they bite (figuratively speaking), she attacks. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! This gal has to use (and not use) her prowess in a similar way. I think nothing is more frustrating [therefore potentially anger inducing] Than being boxed in by limiting myths and images that denies a humans uniqueness and freedom of expression-astrology is supposed to free people by encouraging them to accept their uniqueness NOT fight it or manage it. Never presume that I will not act on my worst instincts. ~ Cesare Borgia, You philosophers are lucky men. This will come in handy with the upcoming Aries stellium !! If the two parties care about each other, and are not afraid of growth, then the relationship can be a really good experience to learn from. Initially, this transit has a tendency to make you angry, resentful or revengeful. Within the Mars conjunct Saturn aspect, your relationship may be lacking a level of energy, or you may be feeling as if you lack energy and drive when around one another. Yet, your life lessons arent for everybody. Juno conjunct Uranus: The partnership will be different, quirky, or extremely independent, but this is exactly what the Juno person needs. Most everything begins with and I see this because Ive been there and done that. Mars will conjunct Saturn at 2224 Aquarius on April 4. and high lighting my near by daughter in laws sun uranus conj. I can get them through the formal channels, but that will take time. 3 June 2032. A conjunction implies that both Mars and Saturns powers are mixed, so their characters mix and form a new character, even though this will depend on the planets characteristics in relation to your specific goals. Last two times Trump bombed Syria. 4 April 2022 What if in composite it makes a grand square, mars (14 libra) in 9th house is close conjunct my natal saturn R (17 in 11th house) and progressed saturn R (15 in 10th house) in 9th house? Ive encountered people like time and time again. Mars Conjunct Saturn Aspects Natal and Transit | On the other hand, this negative energy could manifest through another persons destructive actions toward you, such as nastiness or violence. Hi Sir, I am going thru very Tough Period in Business, ( DOB: 13-NOV-1967 ; Time: 10.45AM ; Place: Kannur, Kerala India, ( Latitude:11 : 51 : N / Longitude: 75 : 22 : E ), Pls guide. Shadow Manifestation: If your father held negative views about you and/or himself, you might have accepted the limiting perception about yourself as truth. I explained to her how disastrous it would be for my husbands love life if he brought his prowess home. Despite feeling as though you just cant work together whatsoever, personally or professionally, you can still attempt to find some common ground. You see the key here. You hold yourself back in life and though you are kind and very patient with others, your timing can be poor and it stops you from getting what you think you want in life. i never expected my natal saturn would be so high lighted again at 78. I know my shadow all too well! Can you please give me indications on how to express my (sometimes very mental) nervous energy? Juno Astrology: What You Need For a Relationship to Last - Tea & Rosemary The themes of healthy self-assertion will take on such an important theme in their life. Stay at home and sharpen your knives, work hard with patience and forethought. I am thankful for all my squares and oppositions I would not be the same person without them..its taught me to mediate. Mars Opposite Pluto Aspects Natal and Transit | You might be tempted to seethe quietly or step into a passive-aggressive mode of addressing a problem. Due to these perceived and real obstacles, you try very hard and tend to force things more than they should be, but this can be remedied if you remember to make sure to focus on what you truly want and can achieve. I have Mars (and Venus)in the ASC square Pluto/Uranus (MC) And, Mars and Venus square Saturn (IC) That places Saturn in opposition to Pluto/Uranus. Moon opposite Venus ok im also guilty of an aries Venus, but shes in the 12th. This reading will help guide you in areas of your life and help you overcome obstacles and transform toxic relationships. Saturn always binds. Thanks Elsa! My brothers DOB is 01/01/1972, west Bengal, India.. It provides vivid and detailed modern imagery that can inspire and connect the reader with the deeper tarot meanings easier. Normally i would dismiss people out of my life after what he has done. No dimmer switch here! Definitely Xena the Warrior Princess mark. Those are more like learned or responsive behaviors for me. When it comes to the Mars conjunct Saturn aspect, it may seem as though Saturns tendency to doubt and fear is almost impossible to revert, which may leave you feeling pessimistic or even as if youve failed. Mars Aspecting Saturn In A Woman's Chart | ElsaElsa I am determined to put an end to the small-time criminal activities of the group that has a strangle-hold on my residential company. Sounds like good timing to me but good luck anyway! Anger is a natural response that can be, if properly channeled, a powerful source of energy and motivation for growth. I prefer to get it out through art and listening to music since that conjunction sextiles Neptune. Saturn Conjunct Mars Aspects Natal and Transit | Not enough friction and secretively spying or just plain violent/ abusive. But then again I have a stellium in the 8th. A good tip to bear in mind is slowing down, being more patient and organizing yourself when it comes to various tasks. Bad finances as a result and so my struggle has been for survival. You must tap into your grit rather than succumb to griping about how lifes dealt you a bad hand. When the Mars side of one person creates an aspect with their partners Saturn, a special care is needed. You likely do oscillate between bravado and bracing yourself. Ive got Mars conjunct Pluto (yes, yes, we know; you mention it all the damned time *grins*). I hope things work out for him.
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