Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. Which of the following statements best represents the desires of the Northern states during the debate of Missouri statehood? Differences between Northern and Southern ideas of good governance, which eventually led to the American Civil War, were beginning to emerge. is a project of the Ashbrook Center at Ashland University, 401 College Avenue, Ashland, Ohio 44805 PHONE (419) 289-5411 TOLL FREE (877) 289-5411 EMAIL [emailprotected], The Congress Sends Twelve Amendments to the States, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 3rd Debate Part I, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 3rd Debate Part II, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 4th Debate Part I, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 4th Debate Part II, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 6th Debate Part I, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 6th Debate Part II, The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 7th Debate Part I, National Disfranchisement of Colored People, William Lloyd Garrison to Thomas Shipley. And who are its enemies? . . It is, sir, the peoples Constitution, the peoples government; made for the people; made by the people; and answerable to the people. . . It was of a partizan and censorious character and drew nearly all the chief senators out. . . I now proceed to show that it is perfectly safe, and will practically have no effect but to keep the federal government within the limits of the Constitution, and prevent those unwarrantable assumptions of power, which cannot fail to impair the rights of the states, and finally destroy the Union itself. What idea was espoused with the Webster-Hayne debates? We met it as a practical question of obligation and duty. Webster-Hayne debate - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1830's APUSH Flashcards | Quizlet See what I mean? When, however, the gentleman proceeded to contrast the state of Ohio with Kentucky, to the disadvantage of the latter, I listened to him with regret. One of those was the Webster-Hayne debate, a series of unplanned speeches presented before the Senate between January 19th and 27th of 1830. All regulated governments, all free governments, have been broken up by similar disinterested and well-disposed interference! I regard domestic slavery as one of the greatest of evils, both moral and political. If the gentleman provokes the war, he shall have war. This leads us to inquire into the origin of this government, and the source of its power. The United States' democratic process was evolving and its leaders were putting the newly ratified Constitution into practice. I know, full well, that it is, and has been, the settled policy of some persons in the South, for years, to represent the people of the North as disposed to interfere with them, in their own exclusive and peculiar concerns. . An equally talented orator, Webster rose as the advocate of the North in the debate with his captivating reply to Hayne's initial argument. Hayne entered the U.S. Senate in 1823 and soon became prominent as a spokesman for the South and for the . Sir, it is because South Carolina loves the Union, and would preserve it forever, that she is opposing now, while there is hope, those usurpations of the federal government, which, once established, will, sooner or later, tear this Union into fragments. Foote Idea To Limit The Sale Of Public Lands In The West To New Settlers. Webster replied to his speech the next day and left not a shred of the charge, baseless as it was. Since as Vice President and President of the Senate, Calhoun could not take place in the debate, Hayne represented the pro-nullification point-of-view. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. The debate continued, in some ways not being fully settled until the completion of the Civil War affirmed the power of the federal government to preserve the Union over the sovereignty of the states to leave it. . Compare And Contrast The Tension Between North And South. Competing Conceptions of Union and Ordered Liberty in The honorable gentleman from Massachusetts [Senator Daniel Webster] has gone out of his way to pass a high eulogium on the state of Ohio. Crittenden Compromise Plan & Reception | What was the Crittenden Compromise? It was not a Union to be torn up without bloodshed; for nerves and arteries were interwoven with its roots and tendrils, sustaining the lives and interests of twelve million inhabitants. The debate, which took place between January 19th and January 27th, 1830, encapsulated the major issues facing the newly founded United States in the 1820s and 1830s; the balance of power between the federal and state governments, the development of the democratic process, and the growing tension between Northern and Southern states. . Create your account, 15 chapters | The Webster-Hayne Debate - 1830 - YouTube What was going on? The action, the drama, the suspensewho needs the movies? Finally, sir, the honorable gentleman says, that the states will only interfere, by their power, to preserve the Constitution. Between January and May 1830, twenty-one of the forty-eight senators delivered a staggering sixty-five speeches on the nature of the Union. I have but one word more to add. Debate on the Constitutionality of the Mexican War, Letters and Journals from the Oregon Trail. I feel like its a lifeline. Well, it's important to remember that the nation was still young and much different than what we think of today. Address to the Slaves of the United States. What idea was espoused with the Webster-Hayne debates? APUSH CH 9 Flashcards | Quizlet It cannot be doubted, and is not denied, that before the formation of the constitution, each state was an independent sovereignty, possessing all the rights and powers appertaining to independent nations; nor can it be denied that, after the Constitution was formed, they remained equally sovereign and independent, as to all powers, not expressly delegated to the federal government. What interest, asks he, has South Carolina in a canal in Ohio? Sir, this very question is full of significance. But it was the honor of a caste; and the struggling bread-winners of society, the great commonalty, he little studied or understood. Webster argued that the American people had created the Union to promote the good of the whole. . Available in hard copy and for download. Congress could only recommendtheir acts were not of binding force, till the states had adopted and sanctioned them. The Webster-Hayne Debate: Defining Nationhood in the Early American . . If the federal government, in all or any of its departments, are to prescribe the limits of its own authority; and the states are bound to submit to the decision, and are not to be allowed to examine and decide for themselves, when the barriers of the Constitution shall be overleaped, this is practically a government without limitation of powers; the states are at once reduced to mere petty corporations, and the people are entirely at your mercy. The people had had quite enough of that kind of government, under the Confederacy. . By establishing justice, promoting domestic tranquility, and securing the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. This is the true reading of the Constitution. Now, I wish to be informedhowthis state interference is to be put in practice, without violence, bloodshed, and rebellion. Speech of Senator Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina, January 27, 1830. . The Hayne-Webster Debate was an unplanned series of speeches in the Senate, during which Robert Hayne of South Carolina interpreted the Constitution as little more than a treaty between sovereign states, and Daniel Webster expressed the concept of the United States as one nation. . Neither side can be said to have 'won' the debate, but Webster's articulation of the Union solidified for many the role of the federal government. States' rights (South) vs. nationalism (North). The Webster-Hayne Debate between New Hampshire Senator Daniel Webster and South Carolina Senator Robert Young Hayne highlighted the sectional nature of the controversy. I am opposed, therefore, in any shape, to all unnecessary extension of the powers, or the influence of the Legislature or Executive of the Union over the states, or the people of the states; and, most of all, I am opposed to those partial distributions of favors, whether by legislation or appropriation, which has a direct and powerful tendency to spread corruption through the land; to create an abject spirit of dependence; to sow the seeds of dissolution; to produce jealousy among the different portions of the Union, and finally to sap the very foundations of the government itself. foote wanted to stop surveying lands until they could sell the ones already looked at God grant that, in my day, at least, that curtain may not rise. If slavery, as it now exists in this country, be an evil, we of the present day found it ready made to our hands. And, therefore, I cannot but feel regret at the expression of such opinions as the gentleman has avowed; because I think their obvious tendency is to weaken the bond of our connection. Even Benton, whose connection with the debate made him at first belittle these grand utterances, soon felt the danger and repudiated the company of the nullifiers. In The Webster-Hayne Debate, Christopher Childers examines the context of the debate between Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and his Senate colleague Robert S. Hayne of South Carolina in January 1830.Readers will finish the book with a clear idea of the reason Webster's "Reply" became so influential in its own day. Hayne maintained that the states retained the authority to nullify federal law, Webster that federal law expressed the will of the American people and could not be nullified by a minority of the people in a state. Well, let's look at the various parts. We will not look back to inquire whether our fathers were guiltless in introducing slaves into this country. Would it be safe to confide such a treasure to the keeping of our national rulers? Webster pursued his objective through a rhetorical strategy that ignored Benton, the principal opponent of New England sectionalism, and that provoked Hayne into an exposition and defense of what became the South Carolina doctrine of nullification. New England, the Union, and the Constitution in its integrity, all were triumphantly vindicated. Then, in January of 1830, a senator from Connecticut introduced a proposal to the Senate stating that the federal government should stop surveying the lands west of the Mississippi River. . All of these contentious topics were touched upon in Webster and Hayne's nine day long debate. Ostend Manifesto of 1854 Overview & Purpose | What was the Ostend Manifesto? The people read Webster's speech and marked him as the champion henceforth against all assaults upon the Constitution. . Most assuredly, I need not say I differ with him, altogether and most widely, on that point. If an inquiry should ever be instituted in these matters, however, it will be found that the profits of the slave trade were not confined to the South. The WebsterHayne debate was a debate in the United States between Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Senator Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina that took place on January 1927, 1830 on the topic of protectionist tariffs. Hayne maintained that the states retained the authority to nullify federal law, Webster that federal law expressed the will of the American people and could not be nullified by a minority of the people in a state. The Significance of the Frontier in American Histo South Carolinas Ordinance of Nullification. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions | Overview, Impact & Significance, Public Speaking for Teachers: Professional Development, AEPA Earth Science (AZ045): Practice & Study Guide, ORELA Early Childhood Education: Practice & Study Guide, Praxis Middle School English Language Arts (5047) Prep, MTLE Physical Education: Practice & Study Guide, ILTS Mathematics (208): Test Practice and Study Guide, MTLE Earth & Space Science: Practice & Study Guide, AEPA Business Education (NT309): Help & Review, Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE): Exam Prep & Study Guide, GACE Special Education Adapted Curriculum Test I (083) Prep, GACE Special Education Adapted Curriculum Test II (084) Prep, Create an account to start this course today. | 12 The debate was important because it laid out the arguments in favor of nationalism in the face of growing sectionalism. Nullification Crisis | American Battlefield Trust The idea of a strong federal government The ability of the people to revolt against an unfair government The theory that the states' may vote against unfair laws The role of the president in commanding the government 2 See answers Advertisement holesstanham Answer: Finding our lot cast among a people, whom God had manifestly committed to our care, we did not sit down to speculate on abstract questions of theoretical liberty. I maintain that, from the day of the cession of the territories by the states to Congress, no portion of the country has acted, either with more liberality or more intelligence, on the subject of the Western lands in the new states, than New England. Daniel Webster, in a dramatic speech, showed the danger of the states' rights doctrine, which permitted each State to decide for itself which laws were unconstitutional, claiming it would lead to civil war. . By the time it ended nine days later, the focus had shifted to the vastly more cosmic concerns of slavery and the nature of the federal Union. Let us look at his probablemodus operandi. It would enable Congress and the Executive to exercise a control over states, as well as over great interests in the country, nay, even over corporations and individualsutterly destructive of the purity, and fatal to the duration of our institutions. Thirty years before the Civil War broke out, disunion appeared to be on the horizon with the Nullification Crisis. Liberty has been to them the greatest of calamities, the heaviest of curses. Is it the creature of the state legislatures, or the creature of the people? Daniel webster, in a dramatic speech, showed the. Van Buren responded to the Panic of 1837 with the idea of the independent treasury, which was a. a system of depositing money in select independent banks Mr. Hayne having rejoined to Mr. Webster, especially on the constitutional question. Eloquence threw open the portals of eternal day. . . There was no clear winner of the debate, but the Union's victory over the Confederacy just a few decades later brought Webster's ideas to fruition. . A state will be restrained by a sincere love of the Union. Some of Webster's personal friends had felt nervous over what appeared to them too hasty a period for preparation. . It is the common pretense. This government, sir, is the independent offspring of the popular will. Webster-Hayne Debate book. The Perpetuation of Our Political Institutions Add Song of the Spinners from the Lowell Offering. . . The specific issue that sparked the Webster-Hayne debate was a proposal by the state of Connecticut which said that the federal government should halt its surveying of land west of the Mississippi and focus on selling the land it had already surveyed to private citizens. . . In a time when the country was undergoing some drastic changes, this debate managed to encapsulate the essence of the growing tensions dividing the nation. The 1830 WebsterHayne debate centered around the South Carolina nullification crisis of the late 1820s, but historians have largely ignored the sectional interests underpinning Webster's argument on behalf of Unionism and a transcendent nationalism. There yet remains to be performed, Mr. President, by far the most grave and important duty, which I feel to be devolved on me, by this occasion. We, sir, who oppose the Carolina doctrine, do not deny that the people may, if they choose, throw off any government, when it becomes oppressive and intolerable, and erect a better in its stead. Compare And Contrast The Tension Between North And South He accused them of a desire to check the growth of the West in the interests of protection. Go to these cities now, and ask the question. . The faction of voters in the North were against slavery and feared it spreading into new territory. Thousands of these deluded victims of fanaticism were seduced into the enjoyment of freedom in our Northern cities. This is the sum of what I understand from him, to be the South Carolina doctrine; and the doctrine which he maintains. Webster spoke in favor of the proposed pause of federal surveyance of western land, representing the North's interest in selling the western land, which had already been surveyed. Hayne began the debate by speaking out against a proposal by the northern states which suggested that the federal government should stop its surveyance of land west of the Mississippi and shift its focus to selling the land it had already surveyed. .Readers will finish the book with a clear idea of the reason Webster's "Reply" became so influential in its own day. Representatives of the northern states were concerned by the rapid growth of the nation; just 27 years earlier, the Louisiana Purchase had nearly doubled the size of the nation, and the newly elected President Andrew Jackson was hungry for more territory. . His ideas about federalism and his interpretation of the Constitution as a document uniting the states under one supreme law were highly influential in the eyes of his contemporaries and would influence the rebuilding of the nation after the Civil War. I spoke, sir, of the ordinance of 1787, which prohibited slavery, in all future times, northwest of the Ohio,[6] as a measure of great wisdom and foresight; and one which had been attended with highly beneficial and permanent consequences. Conversation-based seminars for collegial PD, one-day and multi-day seminars, graduate credit seminars (MA degree), online and in-person. Speech of Senator Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina, January 19, 1830. By means of missionaries and political tracts, the scheme was in a great measure successful. we find the most opposite and irreconcilable opinions between the two parties which I have before described. But I do not understand the doctrine now contended for to be that which, for the sake of distinctness, we may call the right of revolution. Post-Civil War, as the nation rebuilt and reconciled the balance between federal and state government, federal law became the supreme law of the land, just as Webster desired. After his term as a senator, he served as the Governor of South Carolina. . Most people of the time supported a small central government and strong state governments, so the federal government was much weaker than you might have expected. Next, the Union was held up to view in all its strength, symmetry, and integrity, reposing in the ark of the Constitution, no longer an experiment, as in the days when Hamilton and Jefferson contended for shaping its course, but ordained and established by and for the people, to secure the blessings of liberty to all posterity. If these opinions be thought doubtful, they are, nevertheless, I trust, neither extraordinary nor disrespectful. If this is to become one great consolidated government, swallowing up the rights of the states, and the liberties of the citizen, riding and ruling over the plundered ploughman, and beggared yeomanry,[8] the Union will not be worth preserving. . This is the sense in which the Framers of the Constitution use the word consolidation; and in which sense I adopt and cherish it. . . Consolidation!that perpetual cry, both of terror and delusionconsolidation! . . Correspondence Between Anthony Butler and Presiden State of the Union Address Part II (1846). Nor those other words of delusion and folly,liberty first, and union afterwardsbut everywhere, spread all over in characters of living light, blazing on all its ample folds, as they float over the sea and over the land, and in every wind under the whole Heavens, that other sentiment, dear to every true American heartliberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable! When the gentleman says the Constitution is a compact between the states, he uses language exactly applicable to the old Confederation. Tariff of Abominations of 1828 | What was the Significance of the Tariff of Abominations? Then he began his speech, his words flowing on so completely at command that a fellow senator who heard him likened his elocution to the steady flow of molten gold. The Senate debates between Whig Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Democrat Senator Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina in January 1830 started out as a disagreement over the sale of Western lands and turned into one of the most famous verbal contests in American history. Speech on the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise. The arena selected for a first impression was the Senate, where the arch-heretic himself presided and guided the onset with his eye. It was motivated by a dispute over the continued sale of western lands, an important source of revenue for the federal government. But his calm, unperturbed manner reassured them in an instant. Sir, I have had some opportunities of making comparisons between the condition of the free Negroes of the North and the slaves of the South, and the comparison has left not only an indelible impression of the superior advantages of the latter, but has gone far to reconcile me to slavery itself. We had no other general government. But the feeling is without all adequate cause, and the suspicion which exists wholly groundless. Sir, the very chief end, the main design, for which the whole Constitution was framed and adopted, was to establish a government that should not be obliged to act through state agency, or depend on state opinion and state discretion. Sir, an immense national treasury would be a fund for corruption. While the Union lasts, we have high, exciting, gratifying prospects spread out before us, for us and our children. The Webster-Hayne Debate | Overview, Issues & Significance - Study I am a Unionist, and in this sense a national Republican. . - Definition and Uses, Public Speaking: Assignment 1 - Informative Speech, Public Speaking: Assignment 3 - Special Occasion Speech, The Role of Probability Distributions, Random Numbers & the Computer in Simulations, The Monte Carlo Simulation: Scope & Common Applications, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community, The methods by which the federal government earned its revenue, The federal government's surveying and selling of land west of the Mississippi River, The issue of slavery, which was beginning to divide the Northern and Southern states, The balance of power between federal and state governments. Some of his historical deductions may be questioned; but far above all possible error on the part of her leaders, stood colonial and Revolutionary New England, and the sturdy, intelligent, and thriving people whose loyalty to the Union had never failed, and whose home, should ill befall the nation, would yet prove liberty's last shelter. They will also better understand the debate's political context. The gentleman takes alarm at the sound. . Union, of itself, is considered by the disciples of this school as hardly a good. Several state governments or courts, some in the north, had espoused the idea of nullification prior to 1828. Sir, I am one of those who believe that the very life of our system is the independence of the states, and that there is no evil more to be deprecated than the consolidation of this government. I did not utter a single word, which any ingenuity could torture into an attack on the slavery of the South. But I take leave of the subject. . . In January 1830, a debate on the nature of sovereignty in the American federal union occurred in the United States Senate between Senators Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Robert Hayne of South Carolina. In January 1830, a debate on the nature of sovereignty in the America. What they said I believe; fully and sincerely believe, that the Union of the states is essential to the prosperity and safety of the states. . In many respects, his speech betrays the mentality of Massachusetts conservatives seeking to regain national leadership and advance their particular ideas about the nation. Speech of Senator Daniel Webster of Massachusetts, January 20, 1830. Let us look at the historical facts. The Webster-Hayne Debates | Teaching American History The Hayne-Webster Debate - . We see its consequences at this moment, and we shall never cease to see them, perhaps, while the Ohio shall flow. No hanging over the abyss of disunion, no weighing of the chances, no doubting as to what the Constitution was worth, no placing of liberty before Union, but "liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable." . How do Webster and Hayne differ in regard to their understandings of the proper relationship among the several states and between the states and the national government? . To them, the more money the central government made, the stronger it became and the more it took rights away from the states to govern themselves. Hayne launched his confident javelin at the New England States. . Sir, I cordially respond to that appeal. Webster-Hayne Debate - U-S-History . The dominant historical opinion of the famous debate between Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Robert Young Hayne of South Carolina which took place in the United States Senate in 1830 has long been that Webster defeated Hayne both as an orator and a statesman. . . So soon as the cessions were obtained, it became necessary to make provision for the government and disposition of the territory . Are we yet at the mercy of state discretion, and state construction? Mr. Webster arose, and, in conclusion, said: A few words, Mr. President, on this constitutional argument, which the honorable gentleman has labored to reconstruct. The United States, under the Constitution and federal government, was a single, unified nation, not a coalition of sovereign states. . They cherish no deep and fixed regard for it, flowing from a thorough conviction of its absolute and vital necessity to our welfare. So what was this debate really about? . . They ordained such a government; they gave it the name of a Constitution, and therein they established a distribution of powers between this, their general government, and their several state governments. Andrew Jackson & the Nullification Crisis | The Hermitage . Hayne, South Carolina's foremost Senator, was the chosen champion; and the cause of his State, both in its right and wrong sides, could have found no abler exponent while [Vice President] Calhoun's official station kept him from the floor. . Are we in that condition still? Why was the Hayne-Webster debate important? - President Andrew Jackson had just been elected, most of the states got rid of property requirements for voting, and an entire new era of democracy was being born.
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