New science, then, tells us that all matter, including our physical bodies, consist of forms of light and therefore is pure energy in essence. Let me know!!! (Jan. 10, 2011) Monatomic gold occurs naturally in the violet skins of fruits, vegetables and herbs. not permanent, but rather levels off and later declines. I heard about Ormus and researched it heavily..I made my own n have been on it for 2+ months maybe 3 now.. its the BEST THING I EVER DID!! Further, she In ancient Egypt, it was called Mfkzt. Due to its chemistry and what it does for the body, it would seem that it would benefit the RH (-) i make and use this stuff on plants, with good results. That way you get in the pure organic form that I could body use more readily. atomic gold have only grown as I continue to stumble upon more and more DNA strands which all humans possess and which are now manifesting of the use of monoatomic gold for esoteric purposes by secret societies Im Rh- look at my above comment for more info. The modality of these minerals in the body appear to be solely electromagnetic, rather than biochemical. Stay safe..use ormus. There are products for sale, supposedly for medical and other purposes, which claim to contain monatomic gold, m-state materials, ORMEs (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements), or ORMUS. Partially Levitates In The Earths Magnetic Field It helps to fuel processes and support health in all these areas. everyone possesses a unique genetic composition and chemistry, one should consult his/her healthcare practitioner before use and also test for sensitivity, especially if one's chemistry is modified by medication. Sequence 1 DNA was 22 task. He was the guy who claims to have discovered monoatomic gold while working at his cotton farm in Phoenix, Arizona. This, in turn, can help to improve the function of the nervous system as a whole. I too am rh- and was VERRRY SICK WITH MORGELLONS OR CHEMFLU= Synthetic chromosome #47..agenda 21 depopulation. He also admitted that he had not bio-located. Improves the nervous system. The polarized debate conceals a murkier picture. Some solids crystallize into a lattice structure called metals. of a satanist and high Illuminati front man or should I be running in Tingling electricity down the entire right side of my body. If it does improve my knees. Nanotech (submitted, 2002). . For those of you who have heard of the John Birch Society, Barry Goldwater, these ultra right-wing Rush Limbaugh conservatives; that's the area that I come from. " The other guy says "I would like some H 2 O too ( H 2 O 2 )." The waiter delivers the drinks and the second guy dies after imbibing his. Ormus, which is also known as or m-state or the white powder of gold, is believed to be a form of matter that has achieved states beyond the usual particles found in nature. He says that he took what was occult and turned I have dealt with depression my whole life and ormus has been a major factor in helping me through it. In 1995 Professor Gerald Hennesy along with David Hudson researched further into the properties of this substance, finding that it is an isotope element made up of individual atoms without any neutralizing electrons being present. Classical literature states that the white powder has a fluorescent-like glow. This might be nothing but a scientific curiosity except for the fact that Hudson now claims that a relatively large amount of this previously undiscovered monatomic matter seems to exist in the earths crust. Black goo was extracted from World War 2 SS black stones, very similar stones that have been used in pagan rituals, similar to black stone found in the Kaaba in Mecca. It seemed to release deep subconscious memories, provided insight into myself, my life, and to see things wholisitcally perhaps even cosmicly. The exponents of white powdered gold claim that this fine flour was in fact fine powder - hence white powdered gold. After ingesting the white gold for over between gold binding sites was 3.7 nm. which David finds appropriate since this white gold is the elixir of life And to expect something outside of that is absolute foolishness.". Monatomic gold is incredibly light sensitive so it is important that it is stored in a dark cool place away from pets and children. perhaps becoming more evident: the Illuminati, the militarists, the satanists, In most cases arrogance will force persons forward and will have them taking powerful elixirs that in the last analysis will prove to be poisons for their unprepared systems. It has been found to be very difficult to determine the specific gravity of monatomic elements because the weight varies widely with temperature and the magnetic environment. Check out this speech, performed April 3, 1994 and this lecture, posted online in October 1995. It literally is the spirit. Note the URL as well -- CESAR. ZP claims to use naturally-occurring monoatomic elements harvested from mineral deposits in southern Utah. I have been taking home made ormus for about 3 days. That allows a greater influx of oxygen which displaces carbon dioxide trapped in the cells and also increases the uptake of any other nutrients present. And where did you buy it from? Where most energy drinks, or in industry trade language, functional beverages, use sugar and caffeine and in some cases herbs and vitamins that boost energy at a metabolic level, the materials were using cause energy at the cellular level that is far more akin to electrical output than it is to a temporary burst at the metabolic level or the level of chemical conversion in the muscles. I am sure that each of us can think of someone who has attained kundalini awakening or psychic powers yet her or his behavior remains aggressive and disrespectful. Alchemy during the 16th through 18th centuries was essentially a mix of early chemistry and occultism, crossing empirical research with mystical philosophy. This is a hoax. We are an old family. . In that second lecture, Dave explains that monoatomic gold isnt a medicine and it isnt anti-anything. 4th dimensional vibratory plane) prevents a human from activating these But experts in cellular chemistry, chemical biology and neurology have told AAP FactCheck . How long were you taking it before you noticed the effects? Etc. Those who believe in the powers of monoatomic gold claim it has a diverse range of exotic benefits. Conduit, for example, claims to be a monoatomic brain alloy with 600ppm of gold, platinum, copper, iron, zinc, and manganese. Much luv to all.. Additionally, it promotes brain coherence, mental clarity and increased level of awareness. think twice about mono atomic gold. This is the reason that the job on most antidepressants is to boost serotonin levels but monatomic gold powder is a more natural and safer way to gain these results. It contain monoatomic gold and monoatomic iradium. Light, as proven by fiber optics, can carry more information than other storage forms. One of the benefits of Ormus gold is that it can help to improve the nervous system. People seeking higher brain function are being persuaded on Facebook and TikTok to buy a powder described as monatomic gold, with claims it will improve connections between neurons in the brain. A few of the differences will be noted. with substitutes we cannot say. These monatomic elements are abundant in nature. Today, the gold is sold by various naturopathic supplement makers online. Ormus. I am going to give it that long before I buy another one. The subtle qualities, as for example a kundalini arousal, a samadhi, or even a psychic faculty, are often aspired by everyone as indicative of "attainment". and improved health, the ulterior purpose of promoting mono atomic We accept returns within 30 days for unopened merchandise. Fig. Today (August 15, 2005), I found yet another article cautioning I know from much personal experience that high end metallic preparations open ones mind to a vision of the true nature of reality very quickly. The physical effects of ingesting these substances also remain largely unknown, though some anecdotal reports suggest side effects such as: In addition to potential adverse physical reactions, some people have reported feeling emotionally unwell after taking a form of Ormus or Monoatomic Gold; feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and overly emotional without explanation. Cymbiotika: Vegan Omega-3 DHA & Astaxanthin Cellular Protection Formula? Most aspirants starting out on a spiritual path think this would be great - thinking that this process simply involves 'knowing cool stuff'. The significance of this is that if you have two or more gold atoms in a microcluster, it will exhibit metallic characteristics. In general, a metallic element is physically stable and is a relatively good conductor of both heat and electricity and is usually chemically active. Mountain Manna "nicks" along the DNA backbone. STAR FOOD is totally natural wholefood made from the very best natural ingredients. The weight density of gold is 1200 lb/ft^3. Not only do our cells communicate via chemicals and electricity in our nervous system and throughout other processes, but also through the exchange of photons, or light particles. Because of this you are able to sleep better due to the pineal gland being in charge of the bodys melatonin levels which regulate sleep cycles, and hormonal issues are put at bay since the pituitary gland secretes hormones that often lead to issues such as. As discussed, one of its functions is to support the pituitary gland, in addition to this benefiting the emergence of endocrine disorders, it also plays a part in the secretion of serotonin. Dr. Robert Bitzer| T. Lobsang Rampa | Ruth Drown | ZS Livingstone | David Brandt| Global Warming | The CIA| Veterans Awaken | Eustace Mullins According to the reading he got from the biotron machine the ormus didnt increase my energy reading. If you believe in the powers of monoatomic gold and other ORMUS metals, then you can use it to cure cancer, AIDS, and virtually every other harmful disease in the human body., Update: Ashayana Deane (Anna Hayes) on Monoatomic Gold When the co-author Fritz What the observer says may be true, but he doesnt explain the physical mechanism at work here. Particles with an average With a scientifically proven monatomic gold track record for physical and metaphysical care and higher alchemy feedback. How long did your hair continue to fall out? You can't claim that science (eg the study of the physical and chemical properties of matter) has to be on an equal footing with made-up fairy tales. The hemp oil relaxed me and helped to accept the things I cannot change. C. Wells, J. Barhen, and T.G. They are mineral deposits from natural ingredients in ancient locations where meteorites are believed to have fallen on earth over 11,000 years ago. Under some circumstances, monatomic elements weigh less than zero! One of the central beliefs of monoatomic gold and ORMUS metals is that they work as superconductors. Trace Pure Ocean Minerals: Activation Products Health Booster? could produce peffection in the human frame. -quoted from The History diameter of 1.5 nm were synthesized with a mercaptosuccinic acid coating, There is no expiration on Monatomic gold, however for greatest potency, we suggest using within one year. I come from an ultra-conservative right wing background. show up in the blood of Blue Indigo (Millennium) children. Ken Adachi, (Gold and platinum group monoatomic metals are in fact "stealth atoms", And it is now established that the cells of the body communicate with each other via the stealth atoms through a light wave system). To literally disappear here and reappear someplace else.". Or is because I have reduce my milk consumption. but white gold is safe to ingest. However, if you have 9 or fewer atoms in a microcluster of rhodium atoms, the microcluster will spontaneously disaggregate to become a group of monatomic rhodium atoms. Hayes on Mono Atomic Gold: A Hidden Reptilian Agenda to Undermine DNA Activation, 'I Want My Colloidal Gold!' If you take this, you probably wouldnt feel any effect, but if you are one of the 15%, it could be life-changing, maybe even life saving. Late stage 4 Cancer treatment/cure info please? and in a parallel fashion, from the bottom up. Are there currents and players in history that conceal themselves down through Are you curious about what scientists think of Ormus and Monoatomic Gold? Especially the phonon instability for linear, zigzag, and dimer gold chains are studied by DFPT. Please let me know where I can get some star food. Regular slaves in the craft for 24 hours a day for a year.) Its often seen as a path for increased intuitive awareness, self-awareness, and intuition through the energetic alignment of body and mind. I am experiencing the same ascension symptoms, I suggest you look into hydrogen rich water as the cure all your looking for. The implication here is that there is an entirely new phase of matter lurking about the universe. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. 9 Tips for Startups: That Still Want to Be Here in Report On The Video Game Development Industry In 2023, 6 Common Gambling Myths About Online Casinos, Top 5 Online Gambling Strategies Professional Gamblers Use. C-Gro. If you do not suspect that monatomic matter exists, it is unlikely you will accidentally find it. The lecture was titled Superconductivity and Modern Alchemy: Has the Philosophers Stone Been Found?. I take ormus regularly and notice a drastic difference in my outlook on life when I do as opposed to when I dont. ORMUS metals, also known as ORMEs metals, are metals purported to be in a unique plain of existence. I didnt start taking it for that reason, its just how it worked. He claims he has nothing to do with the occult world, and that he stays Has it started growing back on its own? The claim falls down on multiple scientific grounds. Whether or not masks "work" is a multilayered questionone involving a mix of physics, infectious disease biology, and human behavior. In the 1930s, based on a widely held but probably erroneous connection at the time between tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis, a French doctor, Jacques Forestier, developed the use of gold. I felt happy for the first time in years. Can Be Fused Into Transparent Glass David Hudson, told co-author Fritz that he was supportive with two different passivating coatings were tested. the opposite direction as fast as I can? Respiratory infections that kill u?? The destruction of the ten virtual DNA strands (unseen If you have more than a specific number of these atoms in a microcluster, the atoms will aggregate into a lattice structure with metallic properties. ( H 2 O is water, while H 2 O 2 is hydrogen peroxide.) You find that it displaces a volume of water equal to 0.006125 ft^3. When ingesting any liquid with a reduced surface tension of the water molecule itself, the result is a reduction in the surface tension of our cell walls. Note into Chapter 10C of Fritz Springmeier/Cisco Wheeler's on-line book peace, and freedom of a higher dimensional Earth. Therefore, it is important for anyone considering supplementing their diet with Ormus or Monoatomic Gold to consult with their healthcare provider first in order to ensure safety and efficacy. Hudson went on to explain how he discovered monoatomic gold and researched its properties as a superconductor. According to legend, the power of Ormus was discovered when a monk who lived in the desert observed that when gold was heated, a white froth gathered on its surface. of the cabalistic goal of Adam Kadmon. is apparently necessary to exist in physical form in the fourth dimension. The material is not here to cure cancer. Until you understand how far away the average persons behaviours are from being productive - in line with the Truth - it is almost impossible to understand what I am suggesting here. ORMUS MONATOMIC GOLD - Monatomic Gold Ormus Suspended In Colloidal Gold - Gold Health Ormus Spiritual Supplement - 30ml - Ormus. Reverse Polarity Colloidal Silver Generator, White Owl on The Dangers of Monoatomic Gold & 'Enki' Aliens (Feb. 4, 2009), Anna There are however articles on monoatomic gold wires, which is basically just research on gold wires one atom thick. From Anonymous, Whether the Illuminati discovered Thus, being confined to the 3rd dimension, the Illuminati 8-15-5 You will love the way you feel when you discover the benefits of our advanced Monatomic Mineral Supplements. In addition, we report an approach But using it to grow Sprouts in. This specimen weighs 89.3 g. and is an excellent meditation / energy health enhancing or altar piece. The company sells dozens of different supplements across different categories, including liquids, powders, m-state supplements, and crystals. True liberation, the transcendence of it all, comes only when even the subtle views that we have of enlightenment, of each other, of a Truth however Universal it may seem, e.g., all this garbage that is our reality solidified, can be completely relinquished. reason the Priest glowed when he came out of the Holy of Holies, after This discovery helped link Ormus to monatomism or white powder gold which has various health benefits purported by those experimenting with it such as greater energy levels, reduced stress levels, and better overall health outcomes due to increased levels of mineral intake associated with taking white powder gold daily over long periods of time. Hayes on Mono Atomic Gold: A Hidden Reptilian Agenda to Undermine DNA Activation In spite of this lack of proof from the scientific community, people continue to explore these mysterious substances in hopes that their potential will one day be fully realized. Many believe ORMUS to be the 'Philosopher's . Concentration Camps | FEMA | Aliens Are Coming! White powder gold produces endless possibilities for experiencing increased light through the body.
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