Now how about we say God save the President..or Prime Ministeror Governor of my state, The Hebrew word is Mashiyach and it means, anointed, anointed one It builds character and helps us to know where our boundaries are in life. Let the Jehu Anointing and Mantle Arise! The Anointing, the Mantle and the Glory by Frequency Revelator - Ebook | Scribd Enjoy millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more, with a free trial Only $11.99/month after trial. The colors are the blessings, the anointing that is bequeathed to the family of God. Whether you think they deserve to be there or not. When its time to fully take hold of your mantle the are people that cant go to where you are going. Wrong Alignment. The top portion of this is very practical because this is primarily for people in the marketplace so I am going to speak from that perspective and then talk about the spiritual components later. On the first layer what we are looking at is Joseph using a gift of dream interpretation and a gift of wisdom (wisdom is the application of the knowledge). I dont have anyone to talk to about it but it changed my life and its different from church as a child. (1 Kings 4:29-34), 2. In Part 1, there is a foundational teaching on mantles and anointings. May the LORD grant you more grace with more revelation to the service of HIS children. The next Hebrew word for mantle is meil, frequently applied to the robe of the ephod ( Exodus 28:4 Exodus 28:31 ; Leviticus 8:7 ), which was a splendid under tunic wholly of blue, reaching to below the knees. Therefore, he was closer to his destiny. 25Joseph responded, Both of Pharaohs dreams mean the same thing (The Spirit of Knowledge). You vote. Meaning, the next level up. Because they dont have a mantle. She just doesnt. Psalm 45:7. The problem is they were doing this at the expense of the people. Those with the Joseph anointing are generally well groomed individuals. Show me where to go so I can learn how to serve. (2 Kings 3:11). Good day There is a reason Joseph actually went from the prison to the palace within the hour. Were these in the will of God too? Give me a heart of patience so that I may wait for your perfect timing. Pray, Hear, and Obey this is the Christian way. For a long season, Elisha was a servant to Elijah. Others were wiggling in their seats getting delivered from demons. I read through it and I find myself commenting here. Or whatever. Who knows? He just told them the dream and they interpreted it. Thank you!! Aaron was punished later by not being allowed to enter into the promise land (Numbers 20:22-29). As prophetic people, we are often drawn to the story of Elijahs mantle. The poor person who is wise and has understanding can see through the pretentious facade of one who seems to have it all I believe this gets fought by the enemy so badly that to make it to maturity with this you have to truly consecrated and sold out for Jesus. Even though he is behind bars, this was just another stepping stone to his final destination. I like shopping in Big Lots and there is this one cashier that really doesnt like working. Who anointed David? Its like they are a magnate that pulls people in. Elijah's Anointing Generational anointing is a double portion anointing In 2 Kings 2:8-15 Elijah struck Jordan with his mantle. Until the time when the position is handed over to the next person, they are wearing that mantle. What we do from the anointing to the mantle is important. But God can tell you what it means and set you at ease. (the Spirit of the fear of the Lord, hes not taking credit). It was already his according to Gods word. 2Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. If God were to give you the final mantle now you would probably fail because there are many things you need to learn before you can take on that position. With that said, heres how you need to consider mantles and anointings. And when his jealous brothers threw him in a pit and sold him to Egyptian slave traders, they wrenched the coat from him. They dress how they see themselves, they are it before they become it. He was always fighting. Joseph practiced servanthood for yearsfirst, he served his father, then Potiphar, then the prison wardenbefore he received the mantle of rulership God destined him for. Thank You, Blessed is He (in s(he)) who comes in The Name of the Lord. More grace and blessings to the ministryp.s: Im sorry that my comment was quite long (this is the first time its happening, i didnt want to stop the flow). Wow I was sleeping today and I heard a voice say the power of the mantle I was reading the book of Acts and its no wonder the Revelations of the 7spirits of God, cant thank you enough as Ive gotten a base when am teaching on mantles. Blessings! You can never get darkness when you start with The Light. Thank you for writing on this matter. let me look for the 1&2 articles on mantles anointing then Ill come back to this onesmore .much blessings, may God grant your peace and happiness as you serve him always. I give glory and honour to the Almighty God. There are many people with a kingly anointing that may not have Solomons mantle. The current state of the United States of America presidency is a perfect example. There is a difference. A mantle is a symbolic representation of the anointing. Ive lost friends for supporting BLM. Generally, no one can explain how they got the position but everyone will agree they deserve it. It was the 7 Spirits of God. He shall build a house for My name, and he shall be My son, and I will be his Father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever.. I went to a concert once with many different Christian artists. The enemy can accuse, be jealous, speak word curses, appear to steal from you in the natural but he cannot actually take your gifts and anointing or your mantle. So you still need the guidance from a pastor or someone who has a similar mantle. The relationship between these various aspects of God's power is essenti This is where he was a little boy who made a wish that he would be a grown up and he got his wish. Isaiah 10:27. No one could stand up. I pray now God that you would show me the anointing and mantle that you have placed upon my life. Some say the robe even covered his palm. You may agree or disagree with the points I will make but Im going to back up all of it with scriptural references and I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Im thinkingIm facing my fears! What if it wasnt just a song, but notes and keys that were sung that went up into the heavens like a spiritual key that unlock gates and doors to released them on earth? The wealth that Joseph accumulated was for the king. And we really do waste so much time on modern day things like TV and social media. No. If you read the entire story from start to finish it is hard not to see it. Do you know those wealthy people who say they have no intentions of leaving their wealth to their children, instead they will give it to charity? I guess Im going to have to work now, I asked her what she was talking about so she proceeded to tell me that the store had not been busy all morning and she was enjoying the peace and quite. If the Presidency is a mantle that means that a mantle can be passed without the person dying. They are usually very critical of themselves because they will look back at what they did before and always think it wasnt good enough and they couldve done better. So, Joseph had to go through the fire and be purified until God could manifest Himself through him in His FULLNESS. I didnt even see this until the Lord showed it to me. The first two were: Mantles and Anointing, this is where you should start so you can get a foundation in order to understand what you will read here and. I know, it sounds crazy but I witnessed it with my own eyes. I dont think Ive ever met someone with this anointing that people didnt like. Thank you for the uplifting word. learning to know our boundaries through warfare is beneficial even though at times it overwhelmes: But then Potiphars wife approached Joseph, wanting to seduce him. Unless you are speaking wisdom and knowledge. This was the little coat which Samuels mother brought to him from year to year to Shiloh ( 1 Samuel 2:19 ), a miniature of the official priestly robe. The people then revolted and the kingdom became divided. Thank you for this very helpful article. And we should obey Gods spiritual laws that are in place by not cursing the person wearing the mantle or we will call judgement upon ourselves as we read before in Romans 13:1-7. Ok then, this should make you realize that when the enemy tempts you with some social media post about someone in authority you need to stop and consider what you are saying because what you are doing is resisting Gods ordinance and bringing judgement against yourself. Light enters the prism, this is white (purity & holiness). For those of you who are reading this and you believe you have this mantle but at the same time you see that you have the enemies of the mantle operating in your life. Did Rehoboam really need more money? 1. He had a greater appreciation for what he received and knew how to walk with the Lord to maintain it. They will be afraid to do it because they are well aware of what they did but that doesnt matter because your response will let them know that there is a reason you were given that position. Lust of the flesh. A mantle in the natural is a cloak or outer garment for covering the body. I read the prayers also. Very well said, I agree one should always respect a position even if they do not care for or agree with the person in it. This teaching and prayer has immensely blessed me and is leading me forward in my prayer and time with the Lord. Again, Joseph gets falsely accused by Potiphars wife for attempted rape so he was thrown in prison. Blessings Pamela Uganda. No, they promote you because you are good at your job. Sometimes people dont know when they have enough and they just keep going after more and more and more. The desire God places in our hearts is just one indication, among other confirmations, of the calling that is ours. Yahweh is prophesying what He already sees in the future. Love Ashwen. This is why we need to write down our goals and work towards them daily. i do appreciate this article especially where you mentioned that warfare shapes you and mold youso we should not complain. Worship and serve him with your whole heart and a willing mind. This mantle is not self serving. The character and glory of God is developed in us by an intimate relationship with God called the anointing. Even though David was anointed to be king and he later got the mantle of the king, he still didnt build the temple because that was not his assignment. He didnt even ask for the job. When I got home I said to the Lord, if this revelation is true then you need to show me in the story of Joseph the 7 Spirits in operation. Hi, back in May this year Kris Vallotton from Bethel prophesied over me and put on the mantle of Davids famous mighty men. For example you need a mantle of a prophet to say you are a prophet called by the Lord. just a humble observation, i dont know if it was typing error,the scripture you quoted 1chronicles you cited chapter 22:9 instead of 28:9 . . 2. God is the one who decides which mantle you get. He replied saying to me that I am Joseph and that was all. Hello Mary, first I have to say that under normal circumstances I would never allow a post like this to be published on this website. It is more likely you can move from having Josephs Mantle to Solomons as opposed to having both at the same time. This is what the Apostles did when the Holy Spirit came upon them. At the very end I will show you what the secret ingredient was to his overall success. Do you know how many wars David fought through his entire lifetime? They have financial troubles. The Spirit of Might was in his delivery. 6For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are Gods ministers attending continually to this very thing. They are very focused because they know what they want. Notice that one of the meanings is related to King Cyrus, who wasnt saved. You can see that with the President, he has secret service and you cant get near to him because he has protection. Show me how to walk in it. A mantle in the natural is a cloak or outer garment for covering the body. He wants to show you how he is redeeming those trials, even the failures, and how He is using them for His purposes. I read part 1 and part 2 to better understand part 3. Elijah and Elisha were traveling from Gilgal, (2) and Elijah said to Elisha, "Stay here; the LORD is sending me on to Bethel." You just need to position yourself. I dont know this person but as soon as I read the title, I remembered some years ago, I texted a message to a Pastor online who I dont know. Pretty cool how 3 Marys were at Jesus side and appeared to them first. You have loved righteousness and hated . She doesnt even want to sing in public. They delivered their message with strength and power after the mighty rushing wind came upon them (Holy Spirit). Now here are 2 personal stories that I can share that I feel will help you understand how to identify it. Warfare starts again. DALLAS, Texas A leadership and motivational speaker recently delivered what he called a "prophetic prayer" to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump via his attorney, claiming that God has given Trump "an anointing for the mantle of government." Lance Wallnau of Dallas posted a video on Facebook on Tuesday that showed the speaker . 35Have them gather all the food produced in the good years that are just ahead and bring it to Pharaohs storehouses. They present themselves very well. Judy A. Littlejohn unfolds the significance of such relationships, including how to recognize and maintain them. A mantle is used symbolically in the Bible as the righteous call and covering of God in fulfilling our destinies. Then I woke up. Position yourself. Once Joseph was dead to himself, and he completed his process the Lord handed him the final touch which is the fullness, the 7 Spirits of God. Blessings in the Name of the Lord Jesus! Because its her mantle. 33Therefore, Pharaoh should find an intelligent and wise man and put him in charge of the entire land of Egypt. It also changed my perspective on this verse. 4This pleased Potiphar, so he soon made Joseph his personal attendant. I think God put that there for us to see his progression which means he moved from one position to another, one level to another. God used Jacob, Potiphar, a prison warden, and ultimately Pharoah himself, to appoint Joseph to a position in Egypt that was already his through Gods intention. All of these roles had authority but it progressed higher and higher. And then there is a 3rd and 4th layer when so much more gets revealed that you didnt see the first 2 times you read it. Your journey from Anointing to Mantle Formed and fashioned for your purposes to be used for your Glory in this time of famine. 26The seven healthy cows and the seven healthy heads of grain both represent seven years of prosperity. But what He missed was that Our Personal RELATIONSHIP with the Father is the major theme of life. Well, that is what David did to Solomon he took all of his wealth and used it to build the temple. When we have money and power it is very easy for us to use what we have instead of asking God for help. At the end of the day its more than just gifts, anointings or mantles. These singers have notes/keys that they sing that unlock prison gates in the heavenlies. He didnt lay hands on anyone, he didnt tell one demon to leave, he just sang a note. Verse Concepts. The manifestation of a leadership anointing. Maybe only one person where it was mature and in full operation and others where it was still in infancy stage. Elisha didnt just receive Elijahs mantle because he happened to be at the right place at the right time. Its very significant & remarkable to me. Contact: whatsapp or Call 002330542533200-00233248100101Web: www.prophetfranciskwateng.comFacebook: Do you realize that? James 1:2-4 New International Version (NIV). God is no respecter of persons so we all have a purpose and a position in life. Remember Revelation 2:26-28 which basically says when you overcome a thing you rule over it. No thanks. (1 Kings 10:6-9) We shall know them by their fruit. In the vision I see a prism. Why is that? Guide me by your Holy Spirit every day while I am here to shine your light and be a living epistle for people to see, in Jesus name, Amen. Lord, have Your way. "Anointing" (The Process of God's Anointing His Servant Elisha) I Kings 19:19-21 "Next Level" Leaders Are: Serving . The rainbow colored coat is Josephs mantle. So the entire time until David became King, Saul was acting under the mantle with no anointing. LOL got to the end of this where you said to pray for something. Please can you direct me where to find part1 and part2 to this topic? Each mantle and anointing is unique. I will now make preparation for it. So David made abundant preparations before his death. So the only thing Solomon got from David was the plans to build the temple and the building materials. P.O. Whereas People like me is not born into wealth and toiling hard with no wealth to show for it! 2. Donate here: But I have heard that when you hear about a dream you can interpret it., 16It is beyond my power to do this, Joseph replied. Really strange there is a new update:-))). Ive studied it for 0ver 30 years. Please can I get the name and song of the artist that sang deliverance at the day of that concert. . When God took Elijah, Elisha took his own cloakthe one he had worn as a servantand tore it in two. I thank the Lord for giving you this revelation. While we may not like warfare, it really shapes and molds us for the future. I get in This stuff for hours a day. Amen In addition to this, Solomon went on to do and build other things. There was an ease to the assignment that David never had. The devil has been fighting me so hard in this one area. I know i am a joseph and somehow he will provide he said and i believe father God. Chosen specifically for those who desire to move in the prophetic. I want to do my masters and doctorate Biden served before the mantle was transferred to him. Welcome To Faith Realm TV , We upload Video clips of Wonderful Preachers of The Gospel, for building up of the church by Media .OUR AIM IS CAUSE YOUR FAITH. Blessings, i love your ministry, reading on Joseph, I recently bought beautiful hanging strings of shinny crystals (not new age anything like that) I bought it to see the beautifu colors in the light, my neice also gave me colorful wind chime, it amazes me people that can be jealous, joseph in the dungeon, we all know the story, so much of it paralles in my life, even my jewish birthday comes to joseph, my ex an his family very wealthy family live in las vegas, they help me alot when I need to pay some bills, I give the gospel truth an spare no words just because they help me, nevertheless, I ask your team of prayer warriors to pray the Lord would send someone my way to help me with technology, I am a senior, just one person that could help me with some basic things, (but are big things really) where 2 or 3 are gathered I am in the midst of thee,, thank y ou for hearing, an thank you for your ministry, I am blessed an enriched, love sandra. 3We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. Your Father wants to reveal to you what He is up to, even if you are feeling today as though you are in the midst of a trial or a long period of waiting in relation to your calling. She hasnt grown into it yet. I dont know for sure but sometimes we need time to empty ourselves. It is a simple prayer, Lord, please open doors of opportunities for me to share with others about You. Hope that makes sense. Lust. Theres been nothing but destruction and chaos since because the anointed mantle holder is not currently in the office. Elijah threw his mantle onto Elisha, which led to Elisha following in Elijahs footsteps and ministering in the same ways as Elijah. It means the one who provides sustenance of the land or the one who furnishes nourishment for life. I just feel like its nice to read about others who smelled aromas and had dreams or even insights that almost made me think I was like God. God brings about opportunities where we can minister to people and use our gifts. If you feel that you may have this anointing on your life your highest priority should be to go through the process and the purification of the Lord so that you can walk in this mantle. You can have several anointings to support your mantle. However because this artist entered the stage singing the note, we couldnt get out of our seats. A false jackal was fraudulently placed in the seat. In Second Kings 2, it was Elijah's responsibility to teach Elisha what was needed in order to continue working for the Kingdom of God by teaching and administering God's Prophecy. Ive primarily seen this anointing/mantle at work in people in the market place ministry. You cant have someone lay hands on you to get the 7 Spirits of God. I really enjoy the learning material you send to me, Hello, no we dont have online bible studies but we do have an online discipleship school which takes people from salvation and beyond. Brutal dictators who are GOD haters are not installed by GOD to take the lives of people, line their pockets and live as they please. You can have Joseph's Mantle and Solomon's Anointing at times, you need to read about the difference between Mantles and Anointing to understand these are not the same thing. Verse Concepts. And, He says No, there is no darkness in this. David had the same dynamic except his was not with wealth it was with people. In Genesis 39:15-16, we see that when Potiphars wife accused him of rape he left that mantle and ran. They all worshiped other gods and thats what led him astray. Davids job was to dig the trenches out so that when Solomon got there his job would be easier to build the temple. However, now that I walked into the store she was sure things were about to change. Verse Concepts. When people preach about new sounds from heaven, think about this. This is why you need to sit under the people who have the mantle and learn from them. With the mantle it is in position of authority and you can operate with no anointing. The rainbow goes upwards and then it starts whirling together and it turns into a coat. Again it is one that has authority. Actually i already had a gift it is only that i recognize it now and he placed the robe on me because i reset my bloodline and broke generation curses like david who fought many battles. Wow! Yes- please help me with this. We all know how intimately David knew the Lord and that he was known as a man after Gods own heart. Which means, that is exactly why God left him there for an additional 2 years. Im studying on mantles and anointing and this is a perfect start. But no two ministries will look the same. Its been quite a journey of deliverance on a lot of strongholds and a lot of lessons and its been humbling as well. Greed. The Holy Spirit will be gone and the conference will fall flat on its face. With the promotion, you have a platform to share when God opens the door. But he didnt go from being a youngster with prophetic dreams directly to the palace. This is a part of a kingly anointing (1 Kings 10:10-12). Pray about the 7 Spirits of God. As Christians, I think we need to give value to how we spend or use the Freedom (Ease) and Time that the Lord has blessed us with and is about to add unto us even in this season. Im might be crazy. Ask Him for it but remember you need to go through your process and He will deliver it to you. Lust of the eyes. I came upon it accidentally. She still needs to go through her process. A lot! All his household affairs ran smoothly, and his crops and livestock flourished.
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