Where you can ask anyway, even though you've done it? Tony seems to look mostly at Bruce, Natasha and Clint, since the two others haven't played this before. I remember!. Should we proceed? Lindsay's bitching at her sister already and they're only in the preliminary round; she's going down. Evelyn Warner was a nurse during World War 2 working side-by-side with Captain America and Peggy Carter. The thought is kind of baffling. "Never ever have I accidentally bent metal," Rohdey says and I laugh and take a gulp along with . No, we decided no strings, and then there were strings, strings everywhere except they were invisible strings, you know? Tony Stark personally needed a drink. Am I correct in that deduction? Vision asked. I am. Then he looks contemplative. Oh, come on! I WAS BORED SO DON'T KILL ME FOR THE RANDOMNESS PLEASE "So," asked Natasha. The Avengers I'm no longer writing these, I do not take requests, and it's rare I even log into this account. "Never have I ever kissed a guy." Yeah, Im with Vision. Which is, Clint muses, exactly what he is. Um, he says. Oh, come on, Clint sighs and sips his coffee. #starktower Then Peter took a shot. left kudos on this work! But one of Tony's hidden superpowers is pitching, and the fucking infallible ability to know just who he has to talk to to get someone onto his side, and then make said terrible idea into reality. We are to speak untruth? Thor asks, frowning at this new turn of events. Muh?, I'm not gonna send you back into that elevator, Clint says and turns around, slides an arm around Tony's waist and guides him into his apartment. Clint knows he's feeling his pulse. Okay, then. I just I guess it comes down to the person, and not their equipment? The last part sounds like a question, one of his 'is this something that makes sense in this century' ones. You're a whiner, Tony mutters and shifts; squirms to get comfortable. Wade explained. He sleeps around a lot. What? All of you" Clint said. Clint's missed this more than he's missed the sex. Army issue underwear doesnt really hold up to battle conditions. Bruce leaves his glass on the floor huh, looks like Tony was the exception to a rule, then and then everyone's looking at Cap. Then there's cold slipping into the warmth, cool air across his body, and Clint whines low until there's a warm something almost touching him and the mattress has dipped with the added weight. He can't have been sleeping more than a few minutes, because he doesn't feel rested at all. Never Have I Ever Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction All of the original Avengers and Loki are holed up with no electricity, and get very bored. I know, Legolas, Tony huffs. She waved at them. "How?" He's not good with relationships. There's not a lot of them, not in bed, but there are a few. So he sulks a little, maybe, when he's alone in his bed. It's like you don't know me at all. He grins and looks very lost. Peter put his sleeve down again. Cliiiiiint, Tony whines and elbows him in the side. It's my bed. I believe it would be best if we stopped the game now as it seems to be somewhat awkward. It's fucking beautiful. Haaah, he says into her shoulder, curled up close to her side, with an arm resting on her waist. Wait, am I selling myself right here?, Clint chuckles. Pietro Maximoff/ Quicksilver What? Team red slowly took a sip of juice trying not to be notice. Hope you enjoy and none of the art which I use here belongs to me, so credits to the respective artists or uploaders :). Tony looks baffled, maybe? Nat, Sam, Clint, and Peter took a shot. Now, he finds himself inside Peter Parker's body, his heart thumping against . Fart, he gasps out as Clint half-drags him through the living room area and into the bedroom. And a happy drunk, as well, she says with a sigh. I don't know, I've hung out with Nat too much.". Main Characters as of right now are Kate and Clint. "You're the worse Clint" Peter said. and other people I can't remember right now. "Never have I ever missed a Decathlon practice.". MJ walked in wearing a fancy dress. Yep. Clint nods. But it still made him feel uncomfortable, in a foreboding way that he really didnt like. "Ouch" she groaned quietly into her pregnancy pillow, trying not to wake Paxton and reach towards the night stand to grab her phone and check the time 4:45 A.M. If there are limits, the fun's gone. They're all pretty smashed at this point, save for Bruce (who's going easy on the good stuff) and Cap (whose ridiculous metabolism has already blown through all the alcohol he's consumed, rendering him annoyingly sober, in Clint's opinion), but Natasha doesn't lose all her composure and walls when she's drunk, unlike other people. Score one for Stark!. Spill." No offense, Widow, but you scare the shit out of me.. Yeah, that would that would be great, doc, Steve says with a relieved smile. Feels normal, almost, which is a ridiculous thought because of their lives and Tony being, well, Tony. 52: Jessica Jones [03] . After a long mission in Russia, consisting of the entire team taking down a Hydra wannabe, the Avengers sat down in the lounging area to relax. It Multi-fandom oneshots. I think I'll join you, doctor, Steve says, before stuttering out not I mean, not in that-, Capsicle, pumpkin, you're good, Tony drawls. Could he do something about the fact that he had a bunk bed? Tony asked again, barely containing his laughter at the kids discomfort. Remind me to take you there one of these days, okay? She said, smiling. So I miss the sex.. Yeah, 'cause there were a lot of strings! Tony says, and sounds delighted that Clint gets it even though Clint really doesn't get it. Thirteen-year-old Natalie Pierce--aka Agent Sola--is no stranger to tough times. She had loving parents, a roof over her head, and enough food to always satisfy her hunger. Shit. He knew Sally was lesbian or bi, but with MJ he didn't know. All donations are used to provide the service; no profits are made by the site owners, In past attempts of the game (most notably in SHIELD), someone eventually jokes about something like plucking out eyeballs with their fingers, and Clint and Natasha will both take a drink being the only ones to do so and the joy's kind of gone once everyone is disgusted by them. Not even a little? comes Tony's voice, sulking. Which was true, it was a terrible smell, especially for his enhanced nose, he could still smell the lingering alcohol on someone a day after they had drank anything. Bruce is still quiet, but he does have a cognac glass in his hands when he sits down beside Steve, a glass containing what looks like Bailey's, or some other kind of creamy liquor. 'ch is weird, 'cause it's not us'lly with hever nave I haver. He frowns. I really don't wanna assault you in your sleep. Tony pouts. Peter muttered a thank you, and the game went on. Quit whining and drink up you perv, was all Rhodey said in answer. Peter smiled, he never knew this. They were all gathered in the communal room to relax. Although I technically wrote this as a prequel to Fix You, it is a stand-alone and does not share any of the warnings from that story. Never have I ever Bruce swirls his half-emptied glass once, before looking mischievous. Thor chuckles and the two of them fist-bump. And Bruce?. Wait, what? Tony says, whipping his head around to pin Clint down with his eager stare. Or why Clint knows about shipping. It's my choice whether to tell the details or not.. Tony, Peter, Natasha, Clint, and Bucky all drank. Ben is reminiscing on his (failed) relationship with Devi. Maya Romanoff was trained to be a killer, so she feels she doesn't deserve love. But pain leads to power, or so people say, and Agent Sola certainly is powerful. left kudos on this work! "Bullsh*t!" Oh, yeah! A hand settles on Clint's hip, but doesn't move further. Flash question was exactly the kind he expected from him. What starts out a little desperate turns languid, relaxed, comfortable. Of course we do, Clint says and grins. Thats messed up man. Sam shook his head. Two months, just about, Natasha says and twists to jab an elbow in Steve's side before ducking to avoid a fist in the face. A small, annoying part of him wonders if Tony's actually been personally acquainted with Captain America's dick and adds that if Clint wants to find out, this would be the perfect opportunity. I broke like 4 ribs, my ankle, my hand and my foot. Which is, of course, why Tony has waited to tell Clint and Natasha until it's too late to stop it. So, Captain America's gay, Tony says into his VSOP. Never have I ever taken it up the ass. And he grins, all teeth and glee, as the rest of the team groan in exasperation. Only alcoholics use glasses, Tony huffs and grabs a bag of M&M's. Never have I evergone commando, Natasha disclosed. Then I limped home" Peter explained. *SPOILERS* Field Trip to the Compound (Part Two) (Completed), Not an update but a question for my curiosity, The sun will shine on us again (Part One), Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones but Words Will Always Shatter Me. I'll be here. It's Tony's turn so he said "never have I ever been drunk" Taking a shot. Y'know, you're makin' it really hard for me not to come on to you right now, Tony says, but he's not touching Clint, so it's all cool. The Avengers were shocked. Clint figures he'll just steal Nat's drink; he didn't bother to buy anything for tonight, and he doesn't keep alcohol on his floor. Watching Devi grow up with Mohan and Nalini feels like papercuts and pinpricks for Ben.But when Devi loses a father and becomes a kindred spirit,Ben gains the thing he always wanted most: a dad. 2. Clint snorts. Would make sense., Huh? Steve looks between them. His name is Percy Jackson. This one counts.". Tasha? Clint says the next morning, when he finds her in the training room kicking Cap's ass. Peter just shrugged again. Always with the dramatics, Clint teases and drinks. Just like she knew they were still dating. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". When you're ready, when you're sure, and when there's nobody else in the middle. Run, he clarifies, forehead creasing. Ever wondered what it would be like to date one of Earth's mightiest heros? MJ The game was being set up, and Peter could hear all the whispered ideas from his teammates. Never have I ever hated a game more - Archive of Our Own (he was the youngest, and fortunately for him, only had one drink). So why does she keep freezing up when he touches her? And nobody wants that shit. maybe Clint needs to stop thinking about his team-mates and sex so much. #natasharomanoff The hottest boy in school. Loki I feel like Captain America, for crying out loud.. Clint chokes on his whiskey when he laughs. Man, Clint loves it when the Captain goes all 'shouldn't approve of this but I do' on them. he countered, looking at everyone in the circle. So he stumbles through the long hallway leaving to their other sleeping quarters that Tony got them probably for this exact reason, Clint muses as he bumps into walls and doors. Clint snorts into the good Captain's neck. How on Earth did you manage that? Natasha says, arms folded against her chest, exuding disapproval of the situation but also a hint of intrigued curiosity that only Clint would be able to pick up on. What a stupid one! "Never Have I Ever" Pt. He even puts a hand on Steve's shoulder and squeezes. "This was very educational with Peter putting a chicken and flower pot on his head and getting a tattoo but it's three in the morning and we are all almost asleep," Uncle Steve says and I see he is right. Yeah, well that is what I am thinking right now. How'd you find out? Tony says, and looks dejected that his big reveal has been taken from him. Michelle answered for him. I'm not doing this right, am I? And now he just looks hopeless. Thank you, she says and takes it, before turning her head towards Tony. That's too easy. You didn't wake me up? Clint manages around a yawn and presses into Tony's warm hands. Because Tony has stayed in his own bed this week, when he hasn't just camped out in his workshop (which are most days, from what Clint can see). Yeah, Clint coincides, because really, half the fun is getting to tell shit you've already done and see who else have done the same. "We - we can play you know 'giggles' truth or, or never have I Ever, we could play, with the bell, for - 'even more giggles' - comedic purposes!" His body's pleasantly loose and post-orgasm sore, Tony is a heavy but welcome weight on him, and they haven't said a word since Tony dragged them back into the bedroom. I steal Ned and Tonys clothes. He flings an arm dramatically over his face too, in case Clint somehow hasn't realized that Tony doesn't want to talk about this. Oh, sh- Tony! Immediately he releases the genius, who groans in pain and rolls his shoulder. Wait, doesn't that defeat the purpose? Steve asks. Yeah. Cindy stupidly pointed out that he had 'Muscles! Mostly because Im messy and spill, Peter mused. Guess we gotta call it off, then, Clint bullshits, and notes how he's started to wake up in certain parts of his body as well. I absolutely recommend reading this one. "Peter you go first" Wade said. Tony and Clint fall over laughing, and even Natasha snorts, but it's a fond sound. Bucky, Nat, and Wanda took shots. Cindy offered to begin, but Michelle interrupted, setting up some rules first. When he does, Tony sleeps beside him. What she didn't expect, however, was to catch the eye of a devilishly handsome ex-Russian assassin with a metal arm and a desperate need to be loved. I don't know, Clint. Thor seems to think it's all hysterical. 's been an awes'me night. He grimaces. Before anyone could ask him what he meant by that, Bruce decided to take his turn to get it over with as quickly as he could "Never have I ever shot a gun.". Uncle Bucky questions. #marvel An angry voice cried out. I travel because I'm awesome, Tony says. On that thought, neither is Tony. Yeah, wellnever have I ever had to ask someone if we had sex because I couldnt remember. Steve sheepishly said, moving the game along. Peed in a suit., Oh, come on, Tony whines. Nat does that weird thing when her gaze doesn't waver, but it still feels like she's rolling her eyes at them. It's not needed; the genius does a fucking smashing job by himself, and Clint can't be bothered to give any shits. And Capsicle has a built-in hard-on for anything that might be considered team-building.. "That's for me to know and you to want to know," Ava says and I roll my eyes. Clint rolls his eyes. You have reached the end of "Never Have I Ever". Aha! Tony says, excited and gleeful. 'solutely., Her mouth curls. That is a fine name, indeed, Thor muses. 's good, Clint slurs into his best friend's shirt. Soft-as-silk cotton, cool and fresh under him, smelling faintly of vanilla and laundry detergent. He shifts his hips slightly, presses back against the hard-on there, and waits for a reaction. Alone. Clint and Tony (and the team) get drunk, fall into bed together, fall out of it, and fall back in again. Not to mention that Tony's arc reactor has the same eerie blue color as the Tesseract, and it was a strange kind of comfort to wake up and see it lighting up the room; press his fingers against it and hear the faint hum. Clint usually figures it's total bullshit, but in moments like these, he can't help but see Tony as a kid who just wants someone to pat him on the head and say you did good. Okay, and you two are you two, right? he says and turns to Clint and Natasha. Yes, Tony says before Bruce can say no, and Clint just snorts and drinks up. So he leans over and whispers, loud enough that he knows Tony will hear, He's really good at swallowing.. Weakling, she mutters in Russian and Clint grimaces. When Natasha helps him upright, he can see her swaying, and grins. Only a few drops of mead spill on the carpet, and Tony giggles like a mad scientist. "Really?" Wade had taught him beforehand how to shoot and it was just so easy for him, like second nature "No big deal.". That doesn't mean I don't judge you, she says easily and cracks her breakfast muffin in two to share with him. 3. He sighs and pulls out the ten he has in his pocket. He leaned against the chair, not bothered by the fact Tony was running a hand through his hair, messing it up. He knows hers, too. Also, for that matter, are we actually dating? The words make his stomach churn with nervousness, but he ignores it. Same as Steve- dirt poor in the 30s, was all Bucky said. Morning.. Peter had assumed it was some little science project that was supposed to improve his web-shooter fluid or something, but Mr. Stark had sent him an address in lower Manhattan with instructions to come in his suit.
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